Thursday, June 5, 2014

Immigration and Ebola Part I

Immigration and Ebola Part I
Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
  Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one.  To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below. 
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny  
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends  
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2

Published 2014 (2) 
Immigration and Ebola Part I
Immigration and Ebola Part II

Published 2012 (1)
Internment/Resettlement Operations  FM 3-39.40

Published 2011 (2)
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
Members, Activities and Meeting Times
The War on Food
The War on Food Part  2  This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.

In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity.  However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness.  It is of lesser importance.  
Many of the links below refute the Federal government contention that our Southern Border is
Safe and Secure.

Page 1
Contents Immigration And Ebola
Immigration Websites to Investigate 6
Obama to Permit Young Migrants to Remain in U.S  7
Atlanta Georgia News Station and Congressional Investigation Terrorist Maybe Crossing Southern Border  7
United We Stand Divided We Fall  10
We the People Nationwide Plan to Denounce Comprehensive
Immigration   12
Possible Letter for Solution for Immigration   13
Toll Free Numbers to Call Senators and Congressmen   14
NAFBPO  Border Presentation  The National Association of Border Patrol Officers       18
Ranchers support improving Border Patrol access to federal lands and Links to Related Articles Tucson Citizen   18
How Secure is the Mexican American Border?  18
American Park land ceded to Mexican Drug Gangs.  19
Cochise County AZ Sheriff: Border Patrol Retreats From Dangerous Parts of Mexican Border Friday August 13, 2010  20
Cochise County Sheriff, Larry Dever died under mysterious conditions  17
Immigration Policies and the Erosion of the Constitution  21
Former Border Agent: Gov’t Using Immigrant Children For Asymetrical Warfare  22
A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border/Congressional Investigation   23
Costs of Illegal Immigration/Lou Dobbs Tonight  27
2011 National Gang Threat Assessment Issued/FBI  28
Synopsis of Several videos concerning many aspects of the United States Immigration Policy Titles of videos
Below  29
-       Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs
-       Fake Job Ads defraud Americans to secure green cards for Illegal Aliens.
-       Jon Kyl tells of Obama holding US security hostage.wmv
Page 2
-       SAYS FRANCINE Busby 6/1/2006
-       The Aztec Al-Qaeda
-       The Nation of Aztlan including transcribed quotes
-       Reconquista Aztlan Separatist Speech By Ron Gochez
-       Fabian Nunez and the 1994 “Gran Marcha
-       interview with the step Granddaughter Suad Leija, of the man who ran the largest Mexican organized crime family that sells counterfeit documents
-       Border Drug Wars
-       Kirsten Stewart lost business because of illegal alien labor
-       Mexico KILLS its Illegal Aliens while saying how "bad we are
Ford Foundation Might be Funding Illegal Immigration Groups in Phoenix     33
Interview With Border Patrol Supervisor and Agents About Child Kidnapping and Slavery in U.S.  33
Obama’s Greyhound Amnesty Program    34
Wee What a Predicament Immigration Stalemate
June19/2014  39
Kyle says Obama said no border security for political reasons  39
Letter to President Obama Regarding Immigration  40
Letter to Representative Barber     48
Mexican Army Troops Shoot American Citizen and attack Border Patrol  56
Evil Cannot Flourish Unless Good People Stand By  57
Dear Illegal Alien Children/An Open Letter   60
Shocking Hidden Agenda Behind Border Crisis 62
Government Aiding Smugglers and Sex Traffickers  63
U.S. Senator Thanked for Exposing DHS Facilitating Terrorists Entry into U.S.  63
An Administration Made Disaster: The South Texas Border Surge of Unaccompanied Alien Minors  A House Committee Judiciary Report  64
Chairman Goodlatte: 'Obama Fiddles While our Borders Implode'  June 27, 2014   64
Salmon's panel highlights perils facing immigrant kids  65
Sen Jeff Sessions slams DHS Secretary on alien children  65
Page 3
HHS Report: Nearly 1.3 Million ObamaCare Enrollees May Not Be Legal Citizens   66
Unsecured Border: Interview with Brooks Co. Chief Deputy Sheriff  67
Secrecy Permeates Housing Facility for Alien Youth  67
Unsecured Border: Interview with a National Border Patrol ... Talks About Brazilians  97% of Illegal Immigrants don’t show up for Court Hearings 68
Homeland Security Secretary Won’t say if Illegal Aliens Invading Country will be Departed.  Note it took 3 years to process 2,000 illegals that wanted refugee status.  How long will it take to process 60,000?   68
Federal Judge Accuses Obama and Federal Government of Completing Criminal Mission of Human Traffickers  68
The following articles are on page 69
·      Commander of Southern Command discusses his concerns related to the border and Immigration in Congressional Testimony
·      This article summarizes the Congressional testimony from above.
·      Are Illegal Immigrants Entitled to Social Security
·      Southwest Border Unaccompanied Alien Children  As of August of 2014, 57,000 illegal alien children crossed the border.  Almost 203,000 illegal aliens are not Mexican.
The following articles are on page 70
·      Illegals From All Over World Crossing Border.
·      Missouri Has Very Few Illegals Why?
·      Government website shows aliens how to get welfare benefits.
·      Migrant Children.  Has many articles over the last few weeks.
·      Welcome to Celebrate Citizenship, Learn About America: Government Benefits.  This government website shows aliens how to get welfare benefits.
·      Honduran President, We will Dump Our Children in your Country if You Don’t Pass Amnesty
·      Mexico and Guatemala Sign Agreement to Fast-Track Invasion of U.S.
·      22 Jihad Training Camps in the U.S. – FBI Refuses to Take Action
The Justice Department, The Drug Enforcement Agency, The Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agency, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration Customs and Enforcement Agency and the Internal Revenue Service maybe involved in smuggling Firearms to the Sinaloa Cartel and allowing the Sinaloa Cartel to supply tons of illegal drugs to Chicago and the rest of the U.S. in exchange for information about rival drug cartels  Page 70
The following articles are on page 71-72
·      Medical Staff Warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal
Page 4
immigrants or face arrest.
·      Adult illegal immigrants posing as children in Massachussettts to enroll in high school.
·      Costs to pay foster parents to care for illegal children

·      Refugee Resettlement Center for Health & Human Services in charge of settling illegals in U.S.  Contact info  73
·      Atlantic Magazine’s Frum explains how allowing Border Surge is enriching the drug gangs  73
Shocking Ebola Monsanto Connection  73
Obama Administration Warned for Several Years of Impending Border Crisis/Sex Trafficking on border  75
Curses are Blessings in Disguise  75
DHS Came out With a Report On Unaccompanied Children  77
Immigration Courts Struggle With Children’s Cases/Wall Street Journal  77
ICE Releases Some Detainees with Criminal Records 78
Unaccompanied Children in Other Countries  81
The Flourishing of Evil Right Under Our Noses  82
The World Within  93
Articles Ebola National Security and the Border  95-125
The Final Liberal Solution  95
End Game  96
The articles in this section tie some concerns with the border then focus on the Ebola Pandemic
Obama Scraps Quarantine Regulations Suggested by CDC
Page 5
2010  99
The following articles are on page 99 and 100
·      Liberians-flood-airport-attempting to-flee-country
·      Hazmat crews clean up, quarantined family move out due to Ebola case.
·      Clean starts at Dallas Ebola Victims Apartment/NBC/Texas News
·      Dallas 'Ebola Apartment' Gets Quarantined FIVE DAYS After Victim Was Diagnosed!
·       “Men Cleaning Vomit of Ebola Victim Without Haze-Mat Gear in Dallas Texas”
·       Out of Control: How the world’s health organizations failed to stop the Ebola disaster/Washington Post

President Obama’s Press Conference on Establishing Protocols for Dealing with Ebola Epidemic  101
Senior Medical Reporter CNN Horrified at Lack of Screening at Airports for Passengers Arriving From Ebola Hot Zones  101
Bill for Ebola adds up as care costs $1,000 an hour  101
W.H.O. contradicts CDC, admits Ebola can Spread via coughing, sneezing and by touching contaminated surfaces  102
Mystery Illness Enteroviirus 68 104
ISIS  104
End Game Scenario  105
Conclusions  Part I 106
Some Solutions to the Ebola Plague 105
The Fight Part II  105
Part II  108
The Fight Part II  108
Interesting Ebola Facts and Ways to Protect Yourself 108
Alert Top U.S. General says Ebola could cause mass migration to America 120
Are Illegals with Ebola Already Crossing Border?  120
Solutions Part III  120
Discussing Ebola with Government Representatives  120
Are Many Americans Mentally Ill  124
The Chemical Castration of America and the World  125
A Plea to All Officials and Countrymen            128
The Dangerous Relationship Between Federal Policies Regarding National Security the Border and Ebola     140

Page 6
Immigration Websites to Investigate
Been dying to investigate this.  Given to me by border patrol agent who is afraid to speak out because of possible reprisals but claims these sites have lots of good info.
The first 2, I already investigated.  They are really good.  I suspect there is plenty of data in these sites showing Federal government is lying to us and betraying our country.  Anyone want to help me mine through these sites let me know.  If I can get about 6 people to research 4 of these sites each then we could get this data out to the public quickly.

Activist  I have seen this movie it is very good and thought provoking.

Federal Government

United Nations

Non Partisan
Page 7
News Media


Here is an article from the New York Times about the well intentioned executive order that Obama passed leading to the invasion of our country occurring today 2014.  The title of the article is Obama to Permit Young Migrants to Remain in U.S.  Remember the Road to Hell is paved with good intentions. 

Many of the links below refute the Federal government contention that our Southern Border is safe and secure.

The following from a video is in a different blog on this sight.  It is very disturbing and no longer can be found on the internet.  I was told it would probably be taken off so I took notes before the video was removed.

Atlanta Georgia News Station and Congressional Investigation Terrorist Maybe Crossing Southern Border
The following 2 videos concern possible terrorist crossing the border.  I received the videos on Monday Memorial Day May 30th 2010.  Because the videos may expire soon I am transcribing the important info in both videos.  11/30/2011, unfortunately the two videos below plus the other documents, have been taken off line.  Some say by the Federal Government.  Fortunately I still have the transcript of what is said in the two videos.  The following link has a poorer quality copy of the video from friends in China.  However, most of it comes through so disregard the links below this link.  The news station worked with some Congressional Representatives on this investigation.  Now this link does not work.

Video Part 1 Transcription
Broadcaster’s name is Justin Farmer from Action News 2 in Atlanta Georgia
News caster reviewed Congressional reports.
Page 8
·      Hundreds that cross borders are from nations that sponsor terror.  They obtain records from a Federal detention center near Phoenix Arizona.  They found illegal aliens in custody from Yemen, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan.  Former Congressman J.D. Hayworth has seen the intelligence reports and vouches that people are coming in who want to harm the country.
·      Congressional testimony indicates members from Hezbollah have already crossed the border.  It also contains photos of military jackets found on the border.  The Arab insignia on one of the jackets reads, “Martyr… Way to Eternal Life.  The other depicts a picture of a plane crashing into one of the twin towers.  Dave Stotterd was a border patrol agent for 20 years.  He stated for every one person apprehended at least 10 escaped into the country.
·      According to Congressional Testimony titled, “A Line in the Sand Confronting the Threat at the South West border, Middle Eastern agents travel through South America then in the tri border region they learn to speak Spanish then they blend in with the Mexicans crossing the border.  One of the world’s most wanted terrorist came in through this way and was spotted in Atlanta.  This person was a Saudi Arabian pilot and bomb expert with a five million dollar bounty on his head.  Federal agents verify he spent time in Atlanta just prior to 9/11
·      The most grave concern from the Congressional Report is that Drug Cartels will help terrorist smuggle weapons across the border.
·      Former Governor Janet Napolitano is now the current Secretary of Homeland Security.  We wanted to ask her about the border threat but our request for an interview was never answered.

Video Part II Transcription
This was reported by News Caster Monica Pearson from Action News 2
A lot of eyes are on Arizona because of the controversial immigration law but there is another concern their many people know very little about.  People from terrorist nations are among the hundreds of thousands of people caught each year crossing the Mexico U.S. border.  Justin Farmer recently traveled there and shared what he learned with a Georgia Congressman.
Justin spoke.  Monica we have documents that show that people from Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan all in custody trying to sneak in from Mexico.  We rode along with border patrol agents to find out what it takes to get here and we surprised Congressman Paul Brown with what we learned.
In the next part Justin rode with border agents and they showed how they used cameras and other equipment to catch illegals.  J.D. Hayworth discussed how they catch guys and release them and within a couple of days the illegal is attempting to cross the border again not solving any problems.
The Douglas fence is easy to jump because it is short and there is no razor wire.  Just a couple of miles out side of town, you can just walk into the United States.  The fence is only meant to keep drug smugglers from driving their vehicles across.
Agents have 2,000 miles of southern border to patrol and protect.  J.D. talks next.  In some cases you can find barb wire fence.
The Tucson sector is the busiest spot in the nation for border patrol.  Last year they
Page 9
apprehended a quarter of a million people in the Tucson section alone.  Most are from Mexico or South America.  Almost 20% have criminal records and every year hundreds of people caught crossing are found to be from terrorist nations.  Since January border patrol agents have been on the look out for 23 Somalis with ties to Qaeda.  The Somali terrorist were released from a Mexican prison and believed headed for U.S. border.  But hundreds of people from more than a dozen nations that sponsor terror are being captured each year sneaking into the country.
The government no longer releases lists of what they call captured OTNs (Other than Mexicans) but we obtained the list from a Congressional staffer.  It reveals that nine years after 9/11 our open borders remain a major threat.
The Congressman Paul Brown is seen speaking, “Iran 42, Iraq 42. Georgia Congressman Paul Brown is on the Homeland Security Committee yet he had never seen this list until we showed it to him.  The congressman spoke next.  “It is shocking to see the amount of people from Middle Eastern countries coming in on that report.  This is something our Committee members really have to see.  I would like to have a copy of that list with me to take back to Washington so I can share it.”
Congressional reports show that Mexican Drug Cartels tightly control the smuggling of people and drugs.  Its feared they are also smuggling terrorist and weapons into the U.S.  The Arizona border may be 1500 miles from Atlanta but what happens here impacts everyone in America.
Congressman Paul Brown speaks again.  “We have hundreds and hundreds of folks coming from Middle Eastern countries and frankly I don’t think most of these people are coming here to cut our grass.  We must secure the border.” 
Go to the Investigates page at to see our complete list of people detained from nations that sponsor terror. (Border Detainee List) 
And next Monday we will have much more on the border threat including the drug cartels and the route the drugs take from the border to right here in Atlanta.
The links below have been taken off line.
On the next five pages are the breakdowns of the OTM’s or (Other than Mexicans) according to the documents given to Congressman Paul Brown.  Each of the pages represents in order the 5 border sections.  You will note that there are a few Middle Eastern illegals in each of the sectors of the border that day at the prison.  The following are links found at the same News Station.  They got a hold of four pages from the prison documenting all those captured on the border that are not Mexican but from other countries.  These documents were obtained from a Congressional Staffer according to the 2nd video.  Each link represents the number of individuals caught between 2007-2009 from each of the countries.  Countries are listed in alphabetical order.  11/30/2011 Unfortunately all the links have been removed from on line.    Page 1          Page 2    Page 3    Page 4
The following documents gotten from the same Atlanta News Station shows that the documents are from detention centers under The Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Florence Arizona.  The following link is
Page 10
to the Atlanta News station and it shows all 5 links to the Florence detention center documents which shows many people detained come from countries on our terrorist watch list.  All of these links are no longer on line.   In case I loose this link I will also provide links to the 5 sites representing different facilities under Homeland Security below.  Border Special 1                                                                             Border Special 2                                                                                     Border Special 3                                                                                   Border Special 4                                                                                  Border Special 5

The Coalition is working to educate Members of Congress and the public about the adverse consequences of our ill-advised national immigration policies and to advocate real, common sense solutions that adjust our policies to the needs of the citizenry.
If passed by Congress, S. 744 would have disastrous consequences for American workers and taxpayers.
S. 744 would add 33 million foreign job seekers in the next decade alone. That would be like re-creating ALL of the Top 20 cities in the United States, filling them entirely with foreign citizens and giving them lifetime work permits to compete with America’s struggling workers — and in just 10 years time.
Every part of S. 744 was written as though America is facing a severe labor shortage crisis. But according to an April, 2013 Pulse Opinion Research poll, 70% of Americans disagree that America is faced with a labor shortage and needs more immigrant workers.
The Heritage Foundation released the results of its exhaustive study 
Page 11
of the costs of giving amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens - $6.3 trillion net costs over the lifetimes of the amnesty recipients. Senators supporting S. 744 talk only about the costs in the first 10 years when the bill forbids use of most welfare and entitlements. The study agrees that during the first 10 years that net costs of the illegal aliens will go down as many illegal aliens start working ON the books. But the costs will explode around the 13th or 14th year and grow worse over the decades — trillions of dollars worse.
The 1986 amnesty signed into law by President Reagan failed because the enforcement measures were promises of what would come after the work permits and legalization were handed out.  Nearly every form of enforcement that S. 744 promises — or at least recommends — was also promised in the 1986, 1990 and 1996 immigration acts. But those promises were never kept because there were never any guarantees in the bills.
Senators like Marco Rubio of Florida promised enforcement first before an amnesty. But the initial amnesty — legalization and work permits — comes first in S. 744. There are no hard enforcement triggers before the initial amnesty. According to an April, 2013 Pulse Opinion Research poll, only 26% of Americans agree with giving work permits before full border and workplace enforcement.
For more information, contact Publicity Coordinator Barbra Heller  (602-505-8760; locally or visit the Remember 1986 Coalition,

For Immediate Release
May 1, 2013
Contact:  Publicity Coordinator Barb Heller,
Page 12

PHOENIX, AZ  - A new non-partisan coalition comprised of a multitude of citizen lobbyist and border control organizations is calling on Congress to solve the illegal immigration crisis that has plagued the U.S. for decades.  The Remember 1986 Coalition advocates for true immigration reform without a controversial amnesty element which has scuttled previous attempts at federal immigration legislation.
Our detailed plan for true immigration reform includes real border security with secure border fencing to prevent unlawful entry, enforcement of existing immigration laws, mandatory use of E-Verify by employers to ensure a legal workforce, reasonable annual legal immigration levels, an end birthright citizenship, and fix and enforce our guest worker programs.  Our plan has been carefully coordinated with immigration experts at the local and national level, law enforcement leaders, as well as elected officials.
The Coalition is working with members of Congress, local politicians, community groups, and the public to ensure a full understanding of the illegal immigration problem and the real common sense solutions that poll after poll shows the American public is looking for – securing our nation from foreign threats and preserving our long tradition of generous legal immigration.
Page 13
Coalition Founder Rusty Childress asked “do our Arizona Senators have an estimate of how many immigrants would get green cards in the first 10 years if the 844 page S 744 were to pass?” 
One estimate says that at least 33 million new immigrants would get to live and work here in the next decade.  Why was this bill written as if we are suffering from some sort of serious labor shortage when the reality is that 20 million Americans who want a full time job cannot find one” Childress said.
The grassroots campaign to defeat S.744 is a national non-partisan movement to put America on a more stable immigration path.  For more information, please visit
Possible Letter for Solution for Immigration

I found the following at  They recommend the following positive steps.
The plan includes:
·      Mandatory use of E-Verify
·      Enforcing existing immigration laws
·      Real border security including border fencing.  Secure the border first!
·      Reasonable annual immigration levels
·      End of birthright citizenship to children whose parents are not citizens or legal permanent residents.

We believe passage of S.744 would be disastrous for the many reasons.  Here are a few:
·      It will add 33 million job seekers when millions of our citizens are out of work.
·      Although new immigrants will pay taxes because most are lower wage earners and are less educated they will cost our society in benefits more than they will contribute.  We will pay 6.3 trillion over the new immigrants lifetimes according to data from the recently released Heritage study.
·      The 1986 amnesty bill promised enforcement but Federal government did not enforce laws on the books.  They did not enforce laws promised also in 1990, and 1996 immigration acts.  According to various conservative sources S744 that is now on the Senate floor also does not have
Page 14
enforcement procedures in place so after the present people are taken care of, we will face the same problem with millions more people several years from now.
·      Several Senators including Marco Rubio, promised that enforcement of current laws would occur first in this bill but initial amnesty including legalization and work permits would come before any enforcement or border security.
Call Senators now.  Do not pass any immigration reform legislation without securing our border first.  Since 1986 when Reagan signed an amnesty bill several immigration bills have been passed.  They have all failed because the executive branch of our Federal government has not done its job enforcing the laws already on the books that could have kept our border secure.  The present incarnation of the Immigration Reform from what I have read, does not address the issue of border security.  


                Complete E-Mail Addresses for Congress/House, Senate ...Phone List for all Congressmen * Phone list for all U.S. Senators   If links don’t work you can easily google numbers or email addresses for all Senators and Congressmen.

 "You need to understand what illegal immigration is really about.
 . . . . . I challenge you to watch the first 12 videos" if you love this nation!
     If you do not know much about the subject and are short on time, I have done some research since I am not working full time.  Essentially our immigration
Page 15
procedures have been broken for a long time because we have no enforcement or way of keeping illegal aliens out of the country.  Why that has happen is a matter of speculation although my research below might shed light on this.  Below are some ideas to discuss with your Senators.

I found the following at  If you talk to your Senators
My comments are in red.
perhaps you can encourage them to take the following positive steps.
The plan includes:
·      Mandatory use of E-Verify
·      Enforcing existing immigration laws
·      Real border security including border fencing.  Secure the border first!
·      I am leary of the border fences.  Perhaps a partial fence to help with security but remember a fence might also be used to keep us in.  If existing laws were enforced we would not need a fence!
·      Reasonable annual immigration levels
·      End of birthright citizenship to children whose parents are not citizens or legal permanent residents.  Is there any other country that practices birthright citizenship?

If you want some ideas why Senators should not support the present S744 bill, here is some information I found that might be helpful.  These next 4 bulleted ideas also were synthesized from

We believe passage of S.744 would be disastrous for the many reasons.  Here are a few:
·      It will add 33 million job seekers when millions of our citizens are out of work.
·      Although new immigrants will pay taxes because most are lower wage earners and are less educated they will cost our society in benefits more than they will contribute.  We will pay 6.3 trillion over the new immigrants lifetimes according to data from the recently released Heritage study.
·      The 1986 amnesty bill promised enforcement but Federal government did not enforce laws on the books.  They did not enforce laws promised also in 1990, and 1996 immigration acts.  According to various conservative sources S744 that is now on the Senate floor also does not have enforcement procedures in place so after the present people are taken care of, we are likely to face the same problem with millions more people several years from now.
·      Several Senators including Marco Rubio, promised that enforcement of current laws would occur first in this bill but initial amnesty including

Page 16
legalization and work permits would come before any enforcement or border security.

Many of the links below refute the Federal government contention that our Southern Border is safe and secure.   NAFBPO  Border Presentation  The National Association of Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO) present this 37 minute documentary published on May 26, 2013 and narrated by Zack Taylor, that disagrees with the Federal government assertion that our border is safe and secure.  Much of the material in the video is also presented in a Congressional briefing on August 18th, 2012.  Living in Tucson, I know if I venture far out of the city into certain areas of the desert at night, I may encounter Mexican Drug Cartel members.  I would be stupid to travel in such land at night alone and not heavily armed.  Having not researched the video carefully I don’t know if it is true but I suspect it comes pretty close based on my prior experience and coming from former border patrol agents.  Here is a synopsis of some of the other claims made in the video that make sense to me.
Perhaps the biggest issue not discussed at all at least in the media concerning S744 in relation to border security is that the Border Patrol does not have unfettered access to large portions of our borders because of environmental and other regulations.
·      4 minutes and 30 seconds   62% of the immediate border area from the border with Mexico extending 25 miles into Arizona is federal public lands and Border Patrol Agents do not have unfettered access to that land.  It does have access to private and state land within this 25 mile zone.  According to my research, the majority of the land in Arizona, is owned by the Federal government and tribal nations.  The Border Patrol does not have unfettered access to this land thus they cannot perform their primary duty which is securing our border. 
·      Agents in the Tucson sector estimate they are apprehending about 3% of the people illegally entering the U.S.  7 minutes into the video.
·      This contributes to the lawless conditions that exists on these lands including the transport of drugs, illegal aliens and human slavery!  Our focus on environmental protection of these areas hampers the Border Patrols ability to do their job.  Yet the criminals do not respect the environment either so we lose in 2 ways.  See illegal aliens setting fires 10 minutes and 15 seconds into the video and illegal aliens leaving trash 16 minutes and 30 seconds.
·      7 minutes 30 seconds  Of the border area that the Border Patrol does patrol, they only patrol 70% of the land they have access to.  The other 30%, people get through.

Page 17
·      9 minutes 30 seconds  3 illegal immigrants admitted setting some fires.  The United States prosecutor in Phoenix who also had oversight over the Fast and Furious operation refused to prosecute them. 
·      10 minutes 15 seconds  80% of the wildfires in the border region may be started by illegal aliens.  Firefighters sent to fight the fires are sometimes shot at by smugglers and some of these fires are sent for diversionary reasons. 
·      11 minutes 20 seconds  Representative Grijalva is proposing a new Federal Wildlife area, The Tumacacori Highland extending from a wide stretch of the Mexico border stretching up to Pima County.  This allows a new vast stretch of land that the Border Patrol would not have access.  In a way this proposal extend the Mexican border 24 miles north allowing the criminals a way around the current border checkpoint.
·      In much of our public lands in the border area, signs are posted warning the public that the area is dangerous or closed because of international crime yet Border Patrol or other Federal agents are not allowed in the area!
·      15 minutes  Fish and Game Cameras used to observe game also caught smugglers traveling northward engaged in criminal activities. It is likely these photographs caused Fish and Game to place signs in various wildlife areas in Southern Arizona that claimed that these areas are not safe.
·      16 minutes 55 seconds  Taylor defines lawless lands as lands where few crimes are reported, there is little or no law enforcement presence and few cases are solved.
·      17 minutes and 10 seconds a description of a rape tree.
·      19 minutes 40 seconds High Value Illegal Aliens.  It is estimated that the cost to smuggle each illegal Chinese alien is in access of 100,000 dollars.  Who pays that money?  What is expected from the alien after arrival and assimilation into the country?
·      21 minutes  Many are coming in from other countries but this information is not being told to us.
·      23 minutes  Since apprehension rates are so low drug cartels, and human smugglers are highly successful in getting their contraband smuggled into the United States.
·      23 minutes 42 seconds  The cost of smuggling a human from Nogales Mexico to Phoenix in 1993 was about 30 to 50 U.S. dollars.  Today it may cost that illegal Mexican alien $2,500 to $3,000 for that same service.  This raises lots of interesting questions.  How can it be just poor people who are coming here to make a better life?  They could not afford that price.  However, maybe some of them are poor.  If so who is paying their way?  What is expected from them in return once they assimilate into our country?
·      24 minutes 48 seconds  The human Smuggling Trend Line from August 1st, 2012 until December 5, 2012.  This graph measured the average number of human smuggling incidents that occurred per day during this 5 month period.  It started around 5 and ended around 100.
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·      25 minutes  Terrorist incidents involving Drug Cartels.  Some of the people committing acts like this maybe in a neighborhood near you.
·      28 minutes  The two Senators and many government officials from the state of New Mexico are proposing a wilderness national monument along much of the Mexico, New Mexico border.  The residents of the area oppose it for national security reasons. 
·      28 minutes 57 seconds.  This proposed wilderness area would cover a vast amount of the border and extend deep into New Mexico.  Is it really designed to protect the environment or to protect the transnational drug cartels?  You look at the map of the proposed wilderness area and decide.

Here are some other articles related to border security I have collected over the years.
·      Ranchers support improving Border Patrol access to federal lands and Links to Related Articles Tucson Citizen
by Hugh Holub on Jul. 08, 2011, under border issues, politics  President Obama stated in 2011, that the situation on the border is under control.  However according to ranchers that live on the U.S. side of the border, the government agencies such as Border Patrol have increased their presence in populated areas causing the illegal aliens, drug gangs and human traffickers into less populated areas taking over vast swaths of ranch land endangering their lives.  Interviews of these people and several other links to similar articles can be found at the following link!

How Secure is the Mexican American Border?
·      Obama has done more than most.  More people have been deported with his administration.  More border patrol agents have been hired than in other administrations!
·      Napolitano Obama committed to border security.
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·      About half of the people crossing the border get caught according to drones.
So what are the thousands of people who successfully get through doing?  Are they getting jobs?  Are they trafficking in drugs or humans?  Are they arming for war?  Reagan signed an amnesty bill before securing the border?  Will we make the same mistake again?
·      American Park land ceded to Mexican Drug Gangs.
The following is an audio interview from the Laura Ingraham show aired on Thursay June 17th 2010.  She interviews a Pinal County Sheriff, Sheriff Babeau that claims that Mexican Drug Gangs have taken over parts of our National Parks and the Bureau of Land Management has declared these areas too dangerous for American civilians to enter.  They are putting up signs saying enter at your own risk.  Pinal County is 3 counties from the border.  Drug gangs carrying AK 47s operate in Pinal County.  Local law enforcement can not contain these heavily armed gangsters.  Drug gangs also do human trafficking.  He also claims that 241,000 individuals were apprehended at the Tucson sector of the border last year.  This number reflects one out of 3, 4 or 5 that get away so that upwards to 1 million people are entering the United States through the Tucson sector.  Of those entering the U.S, 17% of these apprehended already committed crimes previously in the United States.  Criminals from various countries are entering the United States.  In Pinal County according to the sheriff there has been a vast increase in attacks on the police, home invasions and attacks on our citizens.
As a back drop to all of this, I think on Monday or Tuesday this week, President Obama activated 17,000 national guard members

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to clean up oil on the gulf.  A few weeks earlier he okayed 1,200 troops being sent to Arizona to help with the border.  Most of these troops would be sent to the Tucson Sector. 
·      I was wondering if you picked this up.  Laura Ingraham interviewed this sheriff on her show today Thursday June 17th, 2010. as well.  I could not get the fox video to open up.  I will check to see if Laura has it on her website.
·      Here is a link to an audio interview this sheriff and Laura Ingraham.

·      Cochise County AZ Sheriff: Border Patrol Retreats From        
Dangerous Parts of Mexican Border Friday August 13, 2010
·      According to the Cochise County Sheriff, Larry Dever, middle and upper level management in the Border Patrol are withdrawing the Border Patrol from dangerous parts of the border as well as dangerous drug trafficking corridors up to 70 miles from the border.

·      Cochise County Sheriff, Larry Dever died under mysterious conditions on September 18, 2012 in a one vehicle accident.  It was reported that he was traveling at a speed of 62 miles an hour at the time of the crash, without a seat belt with a blood alcohol content of .029 while traveling to hunt with his sons.  For a man of his size he would have to consume 12 beers quickly.  According to his friends he never drank more than a couple of beers.  Rescuers on the seen of the accident did not smell beer on the body.  There was beer in the vehicle but no open cans.  There were many other unanswered questions about the death. 

·  This article I found intriguing and ironic because this union supports many parts of the bill such as Obama’s amnesty for the dreamers.  Unfortunately for them, as part of the negotiations to get S744 out of the committee and on to the Senate floor, the agreement was made that a certain number of highly skilled individuals must be brought into the country along with lower paid foreign workers.  This will cause the wages of other highly skilled workers to decrease significantly and increase unemployment of highly qualified American workers who will also be competing for these jobs.  They believe
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the major corporate interests wants to hire on these worker for they can be paid much less than their highly skilled American counterparts.  Welcome to the real world my fellow union brothers and sisters.  Many of the rest of us lower skilled union workers have been suffering lower wages for years for the same reason.  Here is a link to the letter.

Immigration Policies and the Erosion of the Constitution
       From my understanding of the Constitution, there are 3 equal branches of government, the executive, judicial and legislative branches.  The executive executes the laws that are passed by the legislative branch which are deemed Constitutional by the judicial branch.
     The clever executive branch lead by Obama has placed more border agents on the border than any prior administration and they   have deported more illegal aliens than any prior administration.  So it seems that they care about the border.  However they may have little regard for our Constitutional principals because they have stated that they will only deport illegal aliens accused of serious felonies.  This was not the intent of the laws passed by Congress.  Google ICE director John Morton’s Discretionary Memo instructing agents to apprehend illegal aliens who are a threat to national security.  The executive branch is now telling the other branches of government that they will only enforce laws that they deem are appropriate.  That is the legislative branch’s job not the executive branches job, according to our Constitution.
      There have been many allegations that Federal agencies do not enforce existing laws but instead they are actually allowing through their policies, back door amnesty for illegal aliens who have committed no other felonies.  Many government officials working for the agencies whom are charged with border security claim their agencies are not enforcing existing immigration laws!  Specifically the present director of ICE John Morton sent a memo to his agents known as the Discretionary Memo basically instructing prosecutors to only prosecute illegal aliens who have committed felonies that are deemed a threat to our national security.  Within the articles are links to the memo but if you google John Morton’s Discretionary Memo you will get hundred if not thousands of links some taking you to the memo.  Here are a few links.  The first  This contains John Morton’s Discretionary Prosecutorial Memo  In this one Houston ICE attorneys direct attorneys to dismiss hundreds of immigration cases.
Page 22  Once the Houston Chronicle uncovered what ICE attorneys were doing they attempting to deny and publicly distance themselves from the controversial directive. This is a press release from members of the ICE agent’s union issuing an no confidence vote in John Morton and his directive

     In the Friday August 18, 2001 Wall Street Journal article titled, U.S. Alters Policy on Deporting Immigrants,  the journal comes right out and claims that Obama is directing his agencies to only deport those illegal immigrants committing felonies.  The administration is reviewing 300,000 deportation cases and openly states that most of them, he may throw out based on, I believe the previously mentioned Discretionary Memo.  The administration’s rationale for this new stance is that because of budgetary problems there simply are not enough dollars or agents to go after the millions of illegal aliens residing in our nation thus to save on scarce resources they now will only focus on felons or those deemed as national security threats.
     I don’t know the exact dates but I know that the second Bush Administration and the Obama Administration attempted to pass pretty liberal immigration and possibly amnesty laws but Congress did not bite and these bills have failed.  Obama may initiate a scaled down amnesty program through presidential executive order if the American citizens allow it.  Here are my questions?  Are his actions Constitutional and is the Constitution important or relevant anymore?

According to the Liberty Legal Foundation, and I quote, “In 1996, Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. That act required the executive branch to respond to requests for information about an individual’s immigration status. This requirement was restated in 1997 in the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act. See US Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part IX, Section 1373  According to this source and many other sources various administrations do not enforce existing laws on the books. Title of the video is Former Border Agent: Gov’t Using Immigrant Children For Asymetrical Warfare.  The video interview of Zack Taylor was posted by Infowars on July 23 2014.  I decided to put the video before the article below because almost
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everything Zack Taylor said in the video is collaborated by the House Committee on Homeland Security Investigation conducted in 2006, 8 years ago.  I bulleted some of the amazing findings of the report in the report below.   The title of this article is, “A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border.”  It was prepared by the staff of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Investigations  Michael T McCaul Chairman.  McCaul is a Republican Representative from Texas.  Statements in this report are astounding so I quote them verbatim.  This report was presented in 2006.  The border is likely worse now!

The report is 34 pages long and is easy to read.  I copied verbatim about 4 pages of material I found scary, fascinating and relevant.
·      Page 2 last paragraph, During 2005, Border Patrol apprehended approximately 1.2 million illegal aliens; of those 165,000 were from countries other than Mexico. Of the non-Mexican aliens, approximately 650 were from special interest countries. Special interest countries are those “designated by the intelligence community as countries that could export individuals that could bring harm to our country in the way of terrorism.”1
·       Page 4 bottom, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigations have revealed that aliens were smuggled from the Middle East to staging areas in Central and South America, before being smuggled illegally into the United States. Members of Hezbollah have already entered the United States across the Southwest border.
·       Page 6, The Mexican drug cartels wield substantial control over the U.S.-Mexican border. Law enforcement on the border agree that very little crosses the respective cartel territories, or “plazas,” along the Southwest border without cartel knowledge, approval, and financial remuneration.
·       Page 8, McAllen and Brownsville host interstate highways and thoroughfares, providing drug traffickers and human smugglers with ready access to the Nation’s interior. Trains, usually 90 to 160 cars in length, traveling from Central America through Mexico to Brownsville, McAllen, and Laredo, are one mode of transportation illegal aliens use to enter the United States.8 Each year thousands of illegal aliens cling to the sides and tops of the rail cars for the journey to the north.9
·       Page 11 bottom,The Zetas are believed to be a serious threat to public safety on both sides of the Southwest border. They are well-financed and well-equipped and
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have demonstrated a willingness to shoot, torture, and kill law enforcement officers, or rival cartel and gang members on both sides of the border. Federal law enforcement officials deem the Zetas among the most dangerous criminal enterprises in the Americas.20
·       Page 14 middle, …The human smuggling networks that operate along the Southwest border cannot move their human cargo through drug cartel controlled corridors without paying a fee.35 The typical Mexican illegal alien now pays approximately $1,200 to $2,500. For aliens from countries other than Mexico this price is often considerably higher, and may even be more alluring for the cartels.36 Foreign nationals are often charged an exorbitantly higher fee ranging anywhere from $45,000 to $60,000 per person.37 Indeed, it is estimated that human smuggling through Mexico into the United States each year puts billions of dollars into criminal hands.38 Note, today 2014, some sources I read claim that regular Mexicans and Central Americans pay about $3,000.  Indians and Chinese aliens pay up to $50,000 while terrorists types pay up to $100,000 to get in.
·       Page 15 middle, Federal law enforcement officials also report that the cartels are not only increasingly engaged in the human smuggling business, they are also actively coordinating with existing human smuggling rings, using diversionary tactics to protect their loads.41 It is not uncommon for cartels to facilitate the crossing of fifty or more illegal aliens across the U.S.-Mexico border to divert Border Patrol resources away from an area they plan to transport large amounts of drugs across.
·       A Federal investigator told Committee staff of a recent interview he conducted with an MS-13 member who described the ease with which he had routinely traversed the Southwest border. The gang member decided to return to his native country of Guatemala to spend Christmas with his mother. To save his own money, he voluntarily turned himself into authorities and was flown home at U.S. Government expense under the expedited removal program, spent the holidays with his family, and returned by illegally crossing the Southwest border. The gang member boasted this process is so easy he has repeated it several times.53
·       Page 17 middle, U.S. law enforcement officials say it is a virtual certainty that women will be sexually assaulted or raped on their journey across the Southwest border into America.59
·       Page 18 middle, The illegal aliens smuggled into the United States on rail trains coming from Mexico into Brownsville, McAllen, and Laredo, Texas are often robbed, beaten, and sexually assaulted by gangs and corrupt law enforcement officials along the way.62 Sadly, these examples are not rare, but are instead daily occurrences in the multi-billion dollar human smuggling business.  Note, the Arizona General Attorneys Office is very concerned about sex trafficking of children taken from children crossing the border.  See the following podcast:  The title of this podcast is, Kathleen Winn Community Outreach and Education Director of AZ Attorney General’s Office Talks Sex Traffic.  Interview occurred on June 17, 2014 on the James T. Harris show.

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·       From 2004 to 2005, violent incidents against Border Patrol agents on the Southwest border have increased 108%. During FY 2006, there have been 746 violent incidents against Border Patrol agents, including 435 incidents of rock assaults, 173 physical assaults, 46 vehicle assaults, and 43 firearm assaults. In January 2006, the Department of Homeland Security sent a confidential memo to Border Patrol agents warning that they could be the targets of assassins hired by alien smugglers. 63   At the same time that rates of violence against border patrol is increasing, the agents face increasing rules and procedures that hamper their ability to defend themselves.

·       Page 20 top, Between May 2004 and July 2006 there have been forty-nine reported abductions of U.S. citizens in the region between the Texas cities of Del Rio and Brownsville. Thirty-four of these abductions occurred in Nuevo Laredo and involved U.S. citizens who had crossed the border. Twenty-three victims were released by their captors, nine victims remain missing, and two are confirmed dead. These numbers likely represent only a fraction of the actual occurrences, as many kidnappings of U.S. citizens go unreported.66 Yvette Martinez, 27, and her friend Brenda Cisneros, 23, are among nine Americans who the FBI says have simply disappeared along the border in the last two years.
·       Page 22 middle, According to El Paso County Sheriff Leo Samaniego, drug cartels operating along the southwestern U.S. border are a “country unto themselves” with intelligence capabilities, weaponry and communications equipment that challenges the Border Patrol and local law enforcement.76 Sheriff Samaniego advises his deputies to “back off” when they see well armed individuals from cartels and other criminal organizations.77
·       Page 22 middle, Zapata County, Texas Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez reports having been told by a number of informants familiar with drug cartel operations that local law enforcement is armed with woefully inadequate weaponry when compared with the automatic assault weapons used by the drug cartels.78 And in Hidalgo County, Sheriff Luca Trevino reports that in the summer of 2006, two of his deputy sheriffs came under attack as 300 to 400 rounds were fired from automatic weapons originating on the Mexican side of the river.79
·       Page 23, Webb County, Texas Sheriff Rick Flores indicated that he is disturbed by the level of resources the cartels and criminal organizations possess and utilize against local law enforcement noting that the cartels utilize rocket propelled grenades...automatic assault weapons, and “level four” body armor and Kevlar helmets similar to what the U.S. military uses.83 Some local officials are taking steps to protect their officers from these weapons. The Sheriff for Hidalgo County, Texas Sheriff has prohibited the deputies in his department from patrolling along the banks of the Rio Grande River because of the threat of violence from the cartels.84
·       Page 23, The criminal organizations are indeed extremely advanced, well-equipped, and highly adaptable to enforcement measures marshaled against them. In January 2006, ICE agents, along with ATF agents and Laredo Police
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Department officers seized an enormous cache of weapons in Laredo, Texas. Authorities confiscated two completed improvised explosive devices (IEDs) materials for making thirty-three more, military style grenades, twenty-six grenade triggers, large quantities of AK-47s and AR-15 assault rifles, 1,280 pounds of ammunition, silencers, machine gun assembly kits, 300 primers, bulletproof vests, police scanners, sniper scopes, narcotics and cash. These seizures clearly illustrate the level of violence along the border, especially in Nuevo Laredo and Juarez area.85
·       Page 27 middle, The number of aliens other than Mexican (“OTMs”) illegally crossing the border has grown at an alarming rate over the past several years. Based on U.S. Border Patrol statistics there were 30,147 OTMs apprehended in FY2003, 44,614 in FY2004, 165,178 in FY2005, and 108,025 in FY2006. Most of them were apprehended along the U.S. Southwest border.100   Now during the last month or so border patrol agents have been busy changing diapers and baby sitting children, who has been watching the border?
·       Page 28, The data indicates that each year hundreds of illegal aliens from countries known to harbor terrorists or promote terrorism are routinely encountered and apprehended attempting to enter the U.S. illegally between Ports of Entry.

·       Page 29, According to ICE testimony, on September 8, 2004, ICE agents arrested Neeran Zaia and Basima Sesi. The human smuggling organization headed by Zaia specialized in smuggling Iraqi, Jordanian, and Syrian Nationals and was responsible for the movement of more than 200 aliens throughout the investigation.109 Investigative efforts revealed that the aliens were smuggled from the Middle East to staging areas in Central and South America. Once in these staging areas, the conspirators would arrange to smuggle the aliens from these sites into the U.S. or its territories.110
·       Page 29 bottom, Members of Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based terrorist organization, have already entered to the United States across our Southwest border. On March 1, 2005, Mahmoud Youssef Kourani pleaded guilty to providing material support to Hezbollah.111 Kourani is an illegal alien who had been smuggled across the U.S.-Mexico border after bribing a Mexican consular official in Beirut for a visa to travel to Mexico. Kourani and a Middle Eastern traveling partner then paid coyotes in Mexico to guide them into the United States. Kourani established residence among the Lebanese expatriate community in Dearborn, Michigan and began soliciting funds for Hezbollah terrorists back home in Lebanon. He is the brother of the Hezbollah chief of military operations in southern Lebanon.
·       The next 3 bullets are from page 30.  In December 2002, Salim Boughader Mucharrafille, a café owner in Tijuana, Mexico, was arrested for illegally smuggling more than two hundred Lebanese illegally into the United States, including several believed to have terrorist ties to Hezbollah.112 Just last month Robert L. Boatwright, Assistant Chief Patrol Agent of the El Paso Texas Sector, reported, “We have apprehended people from countries that support
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terrorism...they were thoroughly debriefed and there was a tremendous amount of information collected from them.”113
·       Statements made by high-ranking Mexican officials prior to and following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks indicate that one or more Islamic terrorist organizations has sought to establish a presence in Mexico. In May 2001, former Mexican National security adviser and ambassador to the United Nations, Adolfo Aguilar Zinser, reported, that “Spanish and Islamic terrorist groups are using Mexico as a refuge.”114
·       Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller has confirmed in testimony “that there are individuals from countries with known al-Qa’ida connections who are changing their Islamic surnames to Hispanic-sounding names and obtaining false Hispanic identities, learning to speak Spanish and pretending to be Hispanic immigrants.115
·       The next 3 bullets are on page 31.  Islamic radical groups that support Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamiya Al Gamat are all active in Latin America. These groups generate funds through money laundering, drug trafficking, and arms deals, making millions of dollars every year via their multiple illicit activities. These cells reach back to the Middle East and extend to this hemisphere the sophisticated global support structure of international terrorism. While threats to our nation from international terrorism are well known, lesser known threats spawned by narcoterrorism reach deeply into this country.123 
·       Federal law enforcement entities estimate they apprehend approximately 10 to 30 percent of illegal aliens crossing the border.124 U.S. intelligence officials along the southwest border, on the other hand, are less optimistic. To be sure, it is unclear how many illegal aliens of any nationality evade capture by law enforcement each year and succeed in entering the United States illegally. It is especially difficult to provide the total number of Special Interest Aliens entering the U.S. illegally because they pay larger amounts of money ($15,000 to $60,000 per alien) to employ the more effective Mexican alien smuggling organizations and are less likely to be apprehended.
·       One thing, however, is known for certain – hundreds of people from countries known to harbor terrorists or promote terrorism are caught trying to enter the United States illegally along the land border, and the massive flow of immigrants and our porous border create various and abundant opportunities for concealment. Given the ever-present threat posed by al-Qa’ida and other terrorist organizations – a threat that has been underscored by the recent events in London and the vulnerability of our borders – the need for immediate action to enforce our borders could not be more apparent.  Lou Dobbs Tonight Uploaded 11/4/06  The video is titled,  Cost of Illegal Immigration  Bullets from video

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·      By 2006 more people coming to U.S. through illegal rather than legal means.
·      The Federation for American Immigration Reform states taxpayers pay over 12 billion a year to educate primary and secondary education for children here illegally.
·      17 billion a year is spent on educating anchor babies.
·      It is Federal law to provide emergency care for illegal aliens.  Congress set aside 1 billion a year to reimburse hospitals.  Hospital administrators claim that only covers a fraction of the cost.
·      Employers hire illegal aliens at little risk.  417 were prosecuted in 1999 while in 2004 only 3 employers were fined.
·      According to Federal Bureau of Prisons 30% of prisoners are not U.S. citizens.  Taxpayers spend 3.3 million a day or over 1.204 billion a year.  I did not find data from Federal Bureau of prisons but I found  cost estimates from GAO.   The article is titled Criminal Alien Statistics  Information on Incarcerations, Arrests and Costs  On page 35 costs ranged from 1.5 to 1.6 billion a year.   The article is titled, 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment Issued.
·      1.4 million gang members belonging to 33,000 gangs.
·      Gangs responsible for 48% of violent crimes in most jurisdictions and up to 90% in some.
·      Gangs increasingly involved in drug smuggling, human trafficking, alien smuggling and prostitution.
In the article above the Lou Dobbs article on the previous page,   A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border, the FBI director Robert Mueller  in February 2005 described U.S. based-gangs as “more organized, more violent, and more widespread than ever.”47 The Department of Justice estimates there are approximately 30,000 gangs with more than 800,000 members in the U.S.48   Gangs have grown a lot between 2005 and 2011.  How much have they grown in power and influence since 2011?

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Below is a synopsis of several videos concerning many aspects of the United States Immigration Policy
·  Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - Updated 2010.  The argument is made that we should allow immigration to the U.S. because it alleviates poverty of desperately poor people.  He says desperately poor people are too poor to afford to get into this country.  If the border patrol agents speaking above are correct it is also very costly to illegally get into the United States from the southern border.  He uses gumballs to compare our allowing 1 million legal immigrants to the amount of desperately poor people in the world according to gumballs and World Bank figures.  It does very little to alleviate world poverty.

· PERM Fake Job Ads defraud Americans to secure green cards for Illegal Aliens. Describes the process that is used to defraud Americans from jobs that are then given to people with green cards.  I have done no research to validate this.

· Jon Kyl tells of Obama holding US security hostage.wmv during a private, one-on-one meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office, the President told him, regarding securing the southern border with Mexico, "The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won't have any reason to support 'comprehensive immigration reform.'"   The security of the border is hostage to Obama getting his way with immigration reform unless Kyle is lying.

· ILLEGAL ALIENS VOTING. "YOU DON'T NEED PAPERS!" SAYS FRANCINE Busby 6/1/2006  This is confusing because in a different add she seems fairly conservative.  She was defeated by her Republican opponent in the Congressional race. 

·      The next series of videos describe radical leaders dedicated to the over throw of the U.S. government and the radicalization of Latino students.  I have done no research in this area.  I have not run into these types of people in my work in education.  Some of my friends and associates say they are active especially in the southwest. The Aztec Al-Qaeda
Page 30

The Nation of Aztlan  This video can also be found at Illegal Immigrants and Government Officials Speak Out For Nation of Atzlan
in the Southwestern U.S. During a March 28, 2006 Pro Illegal Immigration Rally Held in Los Angeles California.  Here are some quotes.

     We remain a conquered people.  Now you have a destiny to fulfill in this land that has historically been ours for 40,000 years.  We are a new ?matiso? nation.  This is our homeland.  We cannot, we will not, and we must not be made illegal in our own homeland.  We are not immigrants that came from another country.  We are migrants that are free to travel the width and length of the Americas because we belong here.  We are millions, we just have to survive.
     We have an aging white America.  They’re not making babies.  They’re dying.  It is a matter of time.  The explosion is in our population.  Jose Angel Gutierrez professor of  University of Texas in Arlington 

It’s not enough to elect Latino leadership.  If they are supporting legislation that is denying the undocumented, they don’t belong in office friend.  They don’t belong here.  Antonio Villaraigosa Mayor of Los Angelos    

…and those rednecks that are out there making decisions for the betterment of their communities, will think twice before they push forward anti-immigrant laws against our community.  You can be as revolutionary as you want.  You can be a Chicano Nationalist, you can believe in the concept of multiculturalism.  You don’t have to give our lives.  We are not at that point yet, but we can give a little.  Herman Bacca Chicano Committee on Civil Rights

The last gasp of white America.  Understand that and people say to me on the Senate floor when I was in the Senate, “Why do you fight so hard for affirmitive action programs?”  I tell my white collegues, “Because you’re going to need them.  Art Torres, Chairman of California Democratic Party

     When we look out in the audience and we see La Familia, La Raza, it is a great feeling!  Isn’t it a good feeling?  You know I started to think about that and it reminded me of a book we all read, and heard about.  You know Paul Revere and he was saying, “The British are coming, the British are coming.  Well the Latinos are coming, the Latinos are coming.  So that’s what this agenda is about.  It’s about insuring that we increase our numbers, that we increase our numbers at every level.  Let me tell you, we can’t go back.  We’re in a civil war.  United the Latinos will win.  Joe Bacca California State Senator

“…The defacto elimination of the border between Mexico and the United States.  I
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believe the debae revolving around our immigration policy should reflect the fact that this phenomenon is under way”.  Tom Tancredo Colorado Congressman.

Reconquista Aztlan Separatist Speech By Ron Gochez

Fabian Nunez and the 1994 “Gran Marcha  With the endorsement of then governor Pete Wilson, Proposition 187 in 1994 won in a landslide.  It would have denied public services to illegal aliens.  One of the courts struck down the proposition and it was on its way to the Supreme Court but after governor Wilson’s second term, Gray Davis took over and saw to it that it would never have its day in court.  Outraged citizens recalled the governor after he approved drivers licenses for illegal aliens.  Before the recall sixty thousand mostly illegal aliens participated in the Gran Marcha.

· lou dobbs cnn interview  This video was uploaded August 7, 2005. The striking aspect of this video is the interview with the step Granddaughter Suad Leija, of the man who ran the largest Mexican organized crime family that sells counterfeit documents now works with the US government to bring them down.  She describes an interview with her grandfather when she expressed her concerns that terrorists could get these documents to get in the country.  The grandfather told her they ran a business that does not ask where people might be from when giving them the false documents.  The granddaughter is now in hiding because the grandfather only got one year for his crimes and she fears retaliation from him when he gets out.  From my readings, I know creating fraudulent documents for illegal immigrants is a thriving business in the southwest so I suspect this video is right on!

· 091807 - Border Drug Wars  According to video Meth labs in Arizona supplied most of the local demand.  Now most of our illegal drugs including Meth supplies come from Mexico.  The strength of Mexican drugs including Meth is much stronger.  Most of the ingredients for Meth in the United States is strictly controlled but not in Mexico.  According to video Mexico was in process of tightening controls on raw materials used in creating meth.

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The above video was produced in 2007 so I doubt if Mexico has tightened controls very much.  They are emerging from a bloody civil war where almost 100,000 died with the government trying to reign in the drug cartels.  The government and the people are tired of the war and so it seems the drug cartels remain strong as ever.  They continue to infect our government and corrupt our institutions and I believe they now or soon will control many aspects of life in our country if our citizens continue to support the cartels by buying their products!  If you google U.S. banks launder drug money you will find many articles.  I have a couple of NPR articles where whistle blowers describe the tiny fines that regulators impose on the banks.  The small fines are considered by he banks to be a small cost of conducting business.  The fines do little to change the behavior of the banks.  In the video above this one the man who was the head of the leading Mexican crime family in America only received a one year sentence for the millions if not billions of dollars of fraudulent document creation.  This shows me our government is looking out for the interests of the criminals such as the human smugglers, drug dealers and illegal aliens.  Another aspect that shows that Mexican drug cartels are winning the drug war in the United States can be seen in my state of Arizona where vast areas of desert land reaching almost to Phoenix are controlled by the drug cartels especially during the nights.  See  and

· Kirsten Stewart lost business because of illegal alien labor  One of the beauties of the illegal alien invasion is that it depresses wages throughout the country.  Many farmers, construction workers and restaurants could not compete if they had to pay higher wages to American workers because Americans would not buy their more expensive products.  Their businesses would collapse also if they tried to follow the correct path and hire only legal American workers.  As a teacher who taught many children of illegal aliens, my job was much harder because my Spanish speaking students could not comprehend standards taught in English.  I slowed down the pace of teaching so these students would not fall farther and farther behind.  This harmed and slowed down the learning of many of my English speaking students.  It is likely that other institutions such as hospitals suffered greatly as well

·  Mexico KILLS its Illegal Aliens while saying how "bad we are  I have heard that Mexico has much stricter rules for those who sneak into their country than we
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·      have for Mexicans that sneak into our country.  I have not researched or read about Mexican immigration laws.

Ford Foundation Might be Funding Illegal Immigration Groups in Phoenix
The pro immigration rallies in Phoenix were organized in part by the group NAHUACALLI and a search for more information on them and TONATIERRA is eye opening. Before you read on though let me discuss a little about the Tonatierra group.
Tonatierra received grants from the US government for $191,990 in 2008, $100,000 in 2006, $28,500 in 2004 and carried a loan from the National Council of La Raza's La Raza Fund in the amount of $525,006. Most of their money seems to be spent on their land and building that they have and pushing for amnesty via rallies and marches and supporting illegal alien day laborers.  Tonatierra is part of an indigenous tribal culture that does not believe in the concept of illegal aliens because in their view the Europeans invaded the Americas thus they truly are the aliens.  The Ford Foundation provides grants to them and other indigenous tribes that demand political, and economic self determination for their peoples.   The article is titled, Open Border's Lobby and the Nation's Security after 9/11.  It has an exhaustive history of causes it believed were funded by the Ford Foundation.

May 16, 2010  I read this email from one of my sources with a link to a video by Jan Brewer to President Barak Obama.  Here is a link and some responses that I emailed out.  Brewer speaks to Obama, it makes sense to me.

Interview With Border Patrol Supervisor and Agent About Child Kidnapping and Slavery in U.S.
We went to visit some friends in Rio Rico close to the Mexico border.  They were having a party and 3 of the guys work for the Border patrol so I asked some questions.  Here is what I found out.  This informal interview occurred 5-7 years ago probably around 2007-2009.
·       S1070 Makes sense to them.  If you are against the bill I just want to make sure you have read it because I can’t find racism or profiling in it.  If you can please email me back if you can find any section that promotes racism or profiling then show me and I promise I will respond.  I have read in my paper that police will be able to look at people and round them up but in the bill it says they must break a law before police can check their immigration status.  I enclose a copy of the bill for you.  Unlike the over 2,000 page health care bill, this one is only 17 pages at 10 font.  Because I made it bigger it is a little bit longer in the file I am sending you.
·       These guys don’t think much will change with the bill.  Police are not going
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to go nuts rounding up people because paper work needs to be filled out when you check immigration status so minor traffic violations probably won’t get you kicked out.  They are more likely to go after people doing major offenses.
·       The bill specifically outlaws racial profiling and closely follows Federal law.  If a police person is gun ho on racially profiling people no law will make a difference.
·       They tell me that part of the reason that Phoenix is now the 2nd greatest kidnapping Capital in the World is because now parents often smuggle children to the United States unaccompanied by an adult.  Unfortunately sometimes the children do not have enough money to pay off the smugglers so they are kept by the smugglers until the debt is paid off.  Different groups kidnap the children from each other because their value as laborers is worth money.
·       I asked if they have caught some of these children and if so, what do they do with them.  I was told that they try to call their parents when they have contact information.  Often when parents are contacted they promise to come pick up their child or children.  Sometimes they do not.  The border people use to turn the children over to a Mexican agency similar to CPS.  This organization then reunited the kids with their parents.  Now the policy has changed.  Children not picked up by parents are turned over to foster care and the kids are sent all over the U.S. to live in foster care.  This strikes me as an odd policy since we are trying to reduce the number of illegal immigrants.  I wonder why they made this change.  The guys I talked to had no clue.

Obama’s Greyhound Amnesty Program

Just reflecting on this new covert Greyhound Amnesty Program (implemented for several months), it makes me think that the New Federal Health Care Program is not really designed to help we the people that much, it is more a system to gain more control over us.

The New Federal Greyhound Amnesty Program led me to this conclusion.  If you google illegal immigration and dangerous illness you will find a slew of articles chronically the dangerous diseases brought to our shores by both illegal and legal immigrants.  At one time wannabe immigrants with dangerous diseases were not allowed in.  Gradually over time that section of the law was watered down despite persistent warnings from experts in the health field.

We have some friends whose daughter went to Nicaraga for the summer to help. She had to get many vaccines to prevent her from getting diseases no longer existing in this country.

Now Homeland Security and or I.C.E. just drop the undocumented off at Greyhound bus stations and tell them check back in 15 days.  Does I.C.E. or Homeland Security have the means to check to see if these people are infected
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with antibiotic resistant TB hepatitis, cholera or other dangerous 3rd world diseases?  I don’t think so.  Yet Federal government agencies are dropping them off all over the country at greyhound stations.  Given the potential risk, does this look like the actions of a Federal government that cares about the health of its people or just an administration trying to get votes?

The Obama administration is the first to take on the coal industry demanding they follow stringent regulations regarding pollution and the release of green house gases.  Seems very good.  Coal plants over time have released tons of mercury and other toxic chemicals into the air affecting the health of thousands perhaps.  Michelle Obama has initiated her eat healthy campaign in even the schools imposing regulations to ensure children eat healthier food.

Yet to me all of this is a mockery.  The science behind the approval of GMO foods is flawed.  No one really knows the long term effects of these novel foods!  We do know that allergies and other chronic conditions have skyrocketed since their introduction covertly into our food supply.  The science is not settled showing that they may increase obesity, allergies and other chronic inflammatory conditions such as diabetes, digestive disorders etc that if not checked could over time overwhelm the health care system.  Does the Federal government really care about our health given these behaviors?  Go to   Pages 4-12 talk about the flawed FDA policies.  Pages 15-21 describe the increase in allergies and other inflammatory conditions that occurred at the same time these foods became a part of our diet. goes into an in depth analysis of why the science behind the GMO food studies is flawed.  When I hear people say that Obama is doing do much for health care and the environment because of his policies on coal and dietary regulations I realize that his policies with GMO food maybe far more damaging to our health than any other good actions he may have taken in these other areas.

I can’t keep up with the crimes and misdemeanors of the out of control executive branch.  Immigration laws passed by the Federal legislature are not being enforced.  Now Federal agencies are actively aiding illegal aliens in violation of existing laws.  Now the executive branch behind the backs of most of Congress traded 1 prisoner of war who may have been working for the Taliban for 5 dangerous Taliban fighters.  It seems pretty clear to me that the President may have aided the enemy in time of war.  It certainly should be investigated.  I know the New Covert Federal Greyhound Amnesty Program is hard to believe but I provide evidence below if you either don’t listen to the news or listen to the lame stream media that does not report on these things that much.

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One effective way to access these articles is to google I.C.E. actually let them go free after getting of the Greyhound Buses!  Plenty comes up.
The Tucson Sector of the Border used to be the main entry point for illegal aliens.  Now they are pouring across Texas from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and other Central American countries .  Turns out they don’t know what do with them.  Supposedly they do not have enough manpower to deal with them in Texas  They are shipping them throughout the country on Greyhound buses then I.C.E. lets them go with a promise that they have to contact I.C.E. in 15 days.  Here are some articles
This next article claims that the about 30,000 illegal aliens convicted of crimes were freed and not deported.

More information concerning immigration going back to the time of Reagan can be found at

Back to Obama’s Greyhound Immigration Program.  If Central Americans can just get their children here and get someone to sponsor them then I.C.E. will get them on a Greyhound Bus to the sponsoring family perhaps themselves illegal.  In a few months there could be thousands of children massing at the border.  Where is John McCain?  Where is Senator Jeff Flake?  Where is Speaker John Boehner on this?  Where is Ted Cruz?  Where is Ron or Rand Paul?  All of them should be at the border protesting this?  At least Governor Brewer spoke up meekly.  Where are the rest?

I don’t get the possible good of flooding our country with these people.  If I was a parent with children in school this does not help because teachers are overwhelmed trying to meet the needs of my child and the needs of these children who don’t even speak the language.  If you are unemployed, then these people will compete for your jobs.  If you are employed and have not received a significant pay raise in about 15 years, these people will depress wages.  If I or my children get sick many of these people also flood and tax the hospitals.  So if I care about education, wages or children this policy is not helping any of this.

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If I am a person who believes in personal responsibility then how are we helping these people by taking them in because their countries that they came from can’t solve their problems?  Isn’t this known as enabling?  They don’t have to figure things out they can just come here.  Why are Republicans supporting this and turning their base against the party?  Why are they committing party suicide?  If I am a Constitutionalist or a person that believes in the American culture by having millions of people come in who do not understand our culture or system just endangers our ability to maintain that culture.

The only people I can figure that benefit from this policy are in the small minority.  The large corporations like this because these people keep wages down.  Ruling elites like this policy because groups of people can be pitted against one another to keep us divided thus they can maintain their rule.  Globalist likewise like the policy because they allow large numbers of people from a different culture, Mexico into the country eventually the two cultures will clash and again the country can be weakened or destroyed.  Empires have pitted groups of people against one another since the beginning of time and it works.  We have the Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, the Israelis and Arabs, we have the Kurds and various other groups, we have Muslims with other groups like in former Yugoslavia and I see the same thing starting to happen between the Mexicans and the U.S. citizens.  How long will it take people to figure this out, this is what rulers do.

Here is something I did.  Perhaps it will make a difference.  If not I tried.  Dave Brat is running to unseat Eric Cantor the present majority leader of the House of Representatives.  I believe his votes on immigration and other issues can harm or destroy the country.   I tried to make a donation on line but this did not work so I called 804-496-8214.  I got a person right away and it took about 2 minutes to make a donation.

June 8, 14
Over 24 years of teaching I enjoyed teaching students whose parents were illegal aliens.  The students and the parents were much more respectful and helpful with their students than my English counterparts.  So why am I biting the hand that feeds me?

I am not?  What the powers that be are doing to these people is tragic but this trick has been used for thousands of years and now our government is dragging children into the picture to achieve their immigration ends.  But who is doing it?  Is it the big business to maintain lower wages or is it globalists attempting to undermine the sovereignty of the country?  Time
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will tell.  The people who knowingly do this deserve a special place in purgatory or to be reincarnated into a time and place where ethnic groups war against each other because it could be where these policies will ultimately end.

Those who encourage these people to come don't help the people they target.  No ultimately they hurt them!  They are brought to our country illegally siphoning off our resources to be sent back to the home country, creating resentment between them and the people here before them.  This divide and conquer tactic has been practiced for thousands of years and it is very sad because I know the illegal aliens are just as human as those I grew up with since I spent years working with them.

So what do we know regarding the illegal children, the latest pawns of the immigration war.  Here are the facts you can look up.  They come mostly from Central America.  Thousands are already in the nation.  Obama signed and executive order, Dreamers act.  If you can get across the border you can be a citizen if you are a child.  Existing immigration laws are poorly enforced.  Mexican drug cartels control all the corridors where these children are trafficked.  Phoenix is the 2nd highest kidnapping capital in the world.  Guess who is doing the kidnapping?,  Mexican drug cartels.

Here are questions?  Why is our Federal government working with drug cartels in the human trafficking?  Why doesn't our Federal government enforce existing immigration law?  How many children are being killed or raped along the way?  How many children are being taken for trafficking in the sex trade?  How many children are being recruited into the gangs?  What is the actual percentage of children that leave their towns in Central America actually make it alive to the detention camps in the U.S.?  What are the gangs charging for trafficking these children to our border?  Why is the Mexican government who use to be very stringent about letting illegal aliens into their country, suddenly allowing thousands of Central American children to travel to our border?  Are they receiving a profit in this enterprise?  Why is Obama taking border patrol agents off the border to play with the children and do other unrelated jobs?  What in the hell is going on in these countries that would cause parents to turn their children over to drug traffickers to trust them to bring them to our country?  How come our news media does not investigate these questions?  Here is one Tucson radio station that actually is attempting to answer some of the above questions.  I hope you will ask these questions of your government officials.  I offer this as a public service because you should know what is happening on your southern border!
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Please pray for Uncle Sam and all of his nephews and nieces.  They have been sick for a very long time.  Perhaps this can help them find their wisdom, strength and courage!

For those in Tucson Jeff Prather is going to talk about this topic at Himmel Park Library at 2:30 this Saturday June 14.  The group sponsoring this is Arizonans for Border Control.  Jeff was also talking in the link above.

Wee What a Predicament 
Obama and Democrats violate Federal Laws for Immigration Enforcement.  Many Republicans say, “Why should we help you pass an immigration law?  Once we pass the law you will violate it anyway.  That’s why we want border security first.”  Democrats respond, “Well if you don’t do what we ask then we will just stop enforcing existing law and open the border.”  Isn’t that about the current state regarding immigration reform?

I could not find the actual hearing but this link backs up all their statements with data from government sources and media news sources.
Are you going to continue to elect these people who use children to achieve their political ends?

Kyle says Obama said no border security for political reasons
Uploaded on Jun 19, 2010
On June 18, 2010, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl told the audience at a North Phoenix Tea Party town hall meeting that during a private, one-on-one meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office, the President told him, regarding securing the southern border with Mexico, "The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won't have any reason to support 'comprehensive immigration reform.'" [Audible gasps were heard throughout the audience.] Sen. Kyl continued, "In other words, they're holding it hostage. They don't want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with 'comprehensive immigration reform.'"

Sen. Kyl also said he reminded President Obama that the President and the Congress has an obligation, a duty, to secure the border.

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Dear President Obama:

I write you, my representatives, family, friends and colleagues because my government, country and Constitution are changing without my consent.  In this example I focus on immigration policy over the last month. My assertions are backed by numbered sources mostly government documents, at the end of my letter. 

Unless illegal aliens are in danger, they should be deported for three reasons.  Allowing them to break our immigration laws encourages more to do the same. Next, bringing them here endangers them and places hardships on those already experiencing hardship in our country.  Finally the executive branch is violating our Constitution by thwarting immigration law passed by Congress.

The first reason is self-explanatory.  Also when we keep allowing people to come to the United States because of problems in their own countries, we are enabling these countries place their problems in our laps.  It would be the same kind of situation if I kept buying my teenage son a new car when he recklessly crashes each car I buy him.   

Why should we allow these people in when we don’t adequately care for our own?  At any given time we have 400,000 children in foster care and some never get out of the foster care system.(15)  Many of our children are raised in horrendous circumstances exposed to or victims of drug abuse and or physical and sexual abuse.  In any given year, between 1.6-1.9 million children run away from their homes exposing themselves to very dangerous situations. (Department of Justice 16)  Also, according to a 2012 USDA study at least 5% or 3.7 million households with children were considered severely food insecure in that often these children are not obtaining enough food!  Why is your administration encouraging more illegal aliens to flock to our borders considering these circumstances?

Next once illegal aliens make it to the interior of our country, very few are deported.  Why is your administration allowing this when unemployment is so high?  This hurts the poor people you claim to support the most. (18-19)

Some sources claim you have deported more illegal immigrants than any president. (1,2) Yet if you look closely at the numbers, approximately 1 out of 584 illegal immigrants that get to the interior of the U.S. actually gets deported!  We have done a better job until recently to secure our borders(9 ), but overall, more illegal aliens are crossing the border compared to the very small number of illegal aliens already in the country that get deported.  See links 6-9 for detailed analysis
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of data regarding this from Federal government documents.

The Constitution specifies that you enforce the laws that Congress passes. Immigration law passed by Congress, orders you to protect our country from unlawful entry.  Sources claim you have deported more than any other president.(1)   Then you decide to enforce parts of the immigration law you agree with and depart illegal aliens that commit other crimes.  You have decided to pick and chose what part of the immigration law to enforce in violation of separation of powers in the Constitution(2).

Is it in our interests considering our economic conditions, to open our borders to illegal immigrants and to take on the care for millions of children throughout the world?  Yet, your actions encourage millions to flock to our borders!  First, your executive decision to allow dreamers to stay encouraged other children to come here to get amnesty.  Your speeches urge Congress to allow amnesty for the dreamers.  You even honored 10 of the dreamers in a White House ceremony.(3-4)  You provide a hundred more lawyers to ensure that illegal children have a defense in court.(5)  Your administration claims that these children are fleeing violence and poverty when the children counter, “We come because we were told we would get amnesty.”(10)  These signals that you sent encouraged thousands to flock to our borders although we our having a hard time caring for our own people. 

While the illegal unaccompanied children flooded across our borders, you did not make it clear to the aliens or the countries that aided them that this behavior was unacceptable for many months.  In fact, as the children and adults arrived you ordered the agents who are suppose to be protecting our borders, to assist the human traffickers in getting the illegal aliens to their destinations.  Again this is a huge violation of Federal Immigration Law!    

Finally your Secretary of Homeland Security and you warned that these illegal aliens will be sent back.  Who is going to believe you when only one in 594 illegal aliens are deported once they cross the border?

It seems like you are aiding the human smugglers and drug traffickers with the stated goal of helping the children but in the end will you bring more harm to them and us?  No one knows how many children on the migration were raped and killed by the human traffickers.  No one knows how many children were funneled into the drug or sex trade.  No one knows how many children aided by our Federal government are gang members or headed into the sex trade,(14) however our Arizona attorney general stated that the percent of criminals apprehended at our border has increased from 9% five years ago to more than 18% today!(13)  So we take these children in to help them but this may be a
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classic case of the saying, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions!" (11-14)

Briefly not only the children are not being cared for but vulnerable veterans also are not receiving the care they need (22). 

This extensive research in this one month in my opinion shows you are actively destroying border security, violating rule of law and disregarding our Constitution. I am faced with the question, “Do I support the Constitution or not?”  It seems like a pretty good document for the last 200 years.  If I decide to defend the Constitution what do I do if you choose to destroy it especially with your policies over the last month?  If you are not going to protect our borders allowing criminals into our country endangering not only our children, but ultimately our form of government, then I will ask my state representatives to do whatever they can to protect our state including nullification or succession. 

If you are acting in the interest of our country and the American people your actions above do not make sense, economically or in any other way.  The only sense they would make is if your intent is to destroy or weaken the country to perhaps prepare us for a new socialist or global government.  Oddly if you can pull off bringing in 11-30 million poor uninformed voters you can insure democratic party rule for decades!

Many prominent intellectuals demand abolishing our Constitution and replacing it with a global government such as the United Nations.  Their reasoning is most urgent problems such as environmental degradation and terrorism can only be solved by a world wide government.  However there are also compelling reasons for not subjugating ourselves to a global government at this time.  Fortunately our Constitution has a mechanism that allows us to destroy or alter it if we choose as a people to join a global government.  If 3/4 of the Congress and 3/4 of the states decide that the Constitution should be altered and abolished so we can be part of a New World Order we can do so.

What infuriates me is that powerful politicians including you in my opinion, through your policies are moving us toward global rule without my consent or the consent of my countrymen.  If you don't like the Constitution then say so and call for its repeal.  Then let's have a long thoughtful national debate and let the people through their representatives vote on it.

I want to know the following from you and every other politician representing me.  Will you uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States?  If so I would like to see it in writing with your signature as soon as possible.   We the people need to know where the politicians stand on this fundamental matter!
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Sincerely Yours,

John Jay Underhill
1. Obama actually has deported more people than any other president.

2. Yet he violates the law even in the first link above in that he has ordered border enforcement agents to ignore those illegal immigrants that or otherwise law abiding. Recently he signed and executive order allowing illegal immigrants who were children when their parents came across to stay.

Conservative talk shows are all over Obama, for not publicly demanding Central American Governments not dump their children in our country. Instead he signed an executive order legalizing illegal alien children.
On June 17th Laura Ingrim claimed he honored several dreamers at the White House. This seems to send a message to all the nations of the world if you can get your children across our border, we will not depart them.
4. When I googled White House honors dreamers June 17,2014 I got the following link, The title of the first link on that page was White House Honors Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival DACA "Champions of Change. Underneath it, it said, "June 17, 2014, "The White House will honor Local Champions of Change," who are...leader and organizer among other DREAMers and other young undocumented.
When I clicked on the link the website said the page could not be found. Odd, I wonder if it was taken down by the White House because of all of the fuss from conservative groups.
I googled the title of the article into a google search engine and got a NBC news story describing how Obama honored 10 students who were brought as children illegally to the U.S. but who had become successful and active in immigration issues. This article in my mind sends the message that our government's position is, if you can get your illegal child across the border into the United States, he or she will not be deported.

5.  This document is titled, "  Justice Department and CNCS Announce New Partnership to Enhance Immigration Courts and Provide Critical Legal Assistance to Unaccompanied Minors"

6.  FY 2013 ICE Immigration Removals
                368,644 Removals during FY 2013
                133,551 removals from interior of U.S.  82% of these previously convicted of crime.
                235,093 departed for unlawfully attempting to enter U.S.  59% of all ICE Removals, a total of 216,810 had previously been convicted of a crime.
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                The interesting thing about the removals is most of them were for people attempting to cross the border but were caught and turned back at the border.  However 133,551 were departed from the interior of the country in 2013.  If you read the ICE documents carefully they are clear in stating that they go after individuals that have committed crimes other than the illegal act of crossing the border.  If you consider that at least 11.5 million are in the country illegally and at least 150,000 are still getting through every year, inflow of illegal aliens is still greater than the outflow of deportations from the interior of the country probably by the tens of thousands.  For that conservative estimate of 150,000 see the Washington Post article also cited below.  

·       If you do not factor in that more people are getting in, (probably around 150 to 160 thousand this year), than are being deported (134 thousand approximately in FY 2013), the number of deportations in relation to number of illegals is still pretty low.  Actually that last number does not include the recent influx of immigrants including unaccompanied parents!!!  If I divide 11,500,000 (Conservative estimate of number of illegals in the country) by 133,600 (Rounded up number of illegals deported by ICE from the interior of the country in FY 2013), I come out with a percentage of 0.01.  Not very many people are getting deported.
·  This article had a different take on this.  It claimed that  11.7 million illegals reside in the U.S. and using the same number of deportations as I used above for 2013 deportations they came up with the number 0.02% of illegal aliens were deported.  However 82% of these people were departed for other crimes such as assault, robbery, DWI etc.  This leaves about 18% or 30,000 illegals that were deported  just for entering the country illegally.  That means only 1 out of every 584 illegal immigrants gets deported for illegally entering the country once they make it to the interior of the country.

7.   This article asks how many illegals slip through the border in relation to how many are caught and sent back.  Government interdiction of illegals has gotten better but according to the Council on Foreign Relations figures for every person we catch, 2 people get by.  The article was written in 2010.

8.  This report done in 2013 has data collected by a drone shows that for every illegal apprehended, 1 got through,  If this data is correct then according to the Obama administration in the prior year, 365,000 illegals were apprehended.  If this data holds true then a slightly larger number would have gotten into the country in 2012.

9.  This article shows data from the Border Patrol provided by the Government Accountability Office from the Fiscal Years 2008-2011 measuring various aspects however the average number of those who got through the border fell from an average of about 30% to an average of 16% in 2011.  The immigration reform bill currently being debated is asking for a apprehension rate of 90%.  Currently the security at the border is considered to be 84% effective.  In 2011 185,000 were successful in sneaking through the border.

Here are other interesting articles I found related to Immigration

10. ABC News Border Patrol Interviews With Illegal Alien Children 95% came because Amnesty
 In the link directly below the government claims that the children are coming to the United States to escape poverty and violence.
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11. Fort Sill to House 600 Unaccompanied Alien Children.  Note in the article that Federal Officials are asked to assist in reuniting children with family or relatives in the U.S.
13-14.  If you go to the following website you can get the podcasts below.
13.  06/17/2014Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne talks Border Patrol Nogales Facility holding children.  Note in the podcast that Horn claims 5 years ago, 9% of apprehended illegal immigrants had criminal backgrounds.  Now he claims 18% of apprehended immigrants have criminal backgrounds.
14.  06/17/2014Kathleen Winn---Community Outreach and Education Director for AZ Attorney General's Office talks sex trafficking.  Note she indicates many young women and children crossing the border fall victim to sexual slavery because they do not have the funds to pay the human traffickers.
Meanwhile while we embrace these children from around the world, we can't take care of our own citizens.  First let's focus on children.
15.  Lets Look At Children In Foster Care         At any given time 399,546 children are in the foster care system.  About half are exiting out while the other half is entering.  The average stay in foster care is 13 months.  15% of the children are in Foster care for 3 years or more.  That number is about 59,932 children.  This data was taken from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at  The article is titled Foster Care Statistics 2012.
Many children run away.  In any given year many children run away or are kicked out of them homes. 
16.  Here is data from Department of Justice
Category                Estimate           95% Confidence Interval*                    Percent

All Runaway        1,682,900                 1,425,400-1,940,500                           100

Throw away Episodes
Care Giver Missing 1     628,900        481,000-776,900                                   37

Reported Missing 2       357,600        238,000-477,200                                   21

Endangered                  1,190,900        975,900-1,405,800                               71
 Youth 3

Note all estimates rounded to nearest 100
·       The 95% confidence indicator indicates that if the study was repeated 100 times 95 of the

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replications would produce estimates within the ranges noted.
1 Whereabouts unknown to caretaker, caretaker alarmed and tried to locate child.
2 Missing youth whose caretakers have reported them to authorities to help locate them.
3 Youth whose run away or throw away episodes involved any one of the list of 17 factors that placed them at risk for harm.  See table 4 in the document.  I will list the top 10 factors below  in terms of numbers of children.

The Following Data was Taken From The Department of Justice
Child was physically or sexually abused in the year prior to the episode and was afraid of abuse upon return                                                                   350,400
Child was substance dependent                                                          317,800
Child was 13 years old or younger                                                      305,300
Child was in the company of someone known to abuse drugs    302,100
Child was using hard drugs                                                                292,000
Child spent time in a place where criminal activity was known to occur.                                                                                                                                           256,900
Child engaged in criminal activity during the course of the activity  197,400
Child was with a violent person                                                     125,400
Child had previously attempted suicide                                         70,500
Child was physically assaulted or someone attempted to physically assault the child during the course of the episode                                                  69,100
Data taken from the Department of Justice   If this link becomes unusable, the article comes from a Department of Justice Publication, NISMART an abbreviation for National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway and Thrownaway Children: National Estimates and Characteristics

17.  Lets Look At Children and Food
According to the United States Department of Agriculture:
In 2012, 85.5 percent of U.S. households were food secure throughout the year. The remaining 14.5 percent (17.6 million households) were food insecure. Food-insecure house- holds (those with low and very low food security) had difficulty at some time during the year providing enough food for all their members due to a lack of resources. ..

… 2012, 5.7 percent of U.S. households (7.0 million households) had very low food security. In this more severe range of food insecurity, the food intake of some household members was reduced and normal eating patterns were disrupted at times during the year due to limited resources.

Children were food insecure at times during the year in 10.0 percent of households with children. These 3.9 million households were unable at times during the year to provide adequate, nutritious food for their children.   This data was taken from this down loaded document provided by the United States Department of Agriculture.  It is titled Household Food Security in the United States in 2012.  If you google the title then the report will be downloaded to your computer.  17

Lets Look at National Employment And Welfare
18.  College Graduates Unemployment rate 10%, underemployment rate 60% Huffington Post Liberal Newspaper.
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19.  Black unemployment rate consistently twice that of whites. National unemployment is between 5-6% while black unemployment ranges between 11-12%.
20.  According to Department of Commerce 12.8 million Americans on Welfare,  and 46.7 million are on food stamps.  Some articles claim more Americans are dependent on government programs than those that are not dependent on such programs.   This data taken from Indicators of Welfare Dependence 12th Report to Congress from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  See the Executive Summary pages X-XII  It discussed dependency and recipiency rates.  Recipiency rates are always higher, they include all individuals receiving any welfare services.  Dependency rates according to this report is defined as those receiving 50% or more of their income from these programs.  According to their data from Figure SUM 1 in 2009 4.6 percent of the population was dependent on welfare programs.  If I multiply 4.6 percent into 305 million the U.S population at the time over 14 million are dependent on welfare for more than 50% of their income.  The percent of individuals officially considered in poverty is 14.3 in 2009.  If I do the same type of calculation I will come up with a figure that officially 43 million Americans live in poverty.  Now the economy has recovered somewhat but last quarter the growth rate was negative 2.9 percent. I know the Fed considers the economy very fragile because they are holding interests rates at historic lows.  Considering the above, why are we allowing thousands of illegal aliens to pour into our country this month?

22 Veteran Wait Times to See a Doctor at VA Hospitals
Veteran wait times to see a doctor can range from 30-90 days according to USA today.   Why are we bringing more and more poor people illegally into the country when we don’t even care for the ones who risked their lives for the country?

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Dear Representative Barber:

I write you, the president, family, friends and colleagues because my government, country and Constitution are changing without my consent.  In this example I focus on immigration policy over the last month. My assertions are backed by numbered sources at the end of my letter. 

Unless illegal aliens are in danger, they should be deported for three reasons.  Allowing them to break our immigration laws encourages more to do the same. Next, bringing them here endangers them and places hardships on those already experiencing hardship in our country.  Finally the executive branch is violating our Constitution by thwarting immigration law passed by Congress.

The first reason is self-explanatory.  Also when we keep allowing people to come to the United States because of problems in their own countries, we are enabling these countries to place their problems in our laps.  It would be the same kind of situation if I kept buying my teenage son a new car when he recklessly crashes each prior car.   

Why should we allow these people who break our laws when we don’t adequately care for our own. At any given time we have 400,000 children in foster care and some never get out of the foster care system.(15)  Many of our children are raised in horrendous circumstances exposed to or victims of drug abuse and or physical and sexual abuse.  In any given year, between 1.6-1.9 million children run away from their homes exposing themselves to very dangerous situations. (Department of Justice 16)  Also, according to a 2012 USDA study at least 5% or 3.7 million households with children were considered severely food insecure in that often these children are not obtaining enough food!  In addition numbers of people on welfare and food assistance is way too high.(20)  Why is the administration and members of the Democratic and Republican parties encouraging more illegal aliens to flock to our borders?

Next once illegal aliens make it to the interior of our country, very few are deported.  Why is the administration and the Democratic party along with the support of many Republicans allowing this mass illegal migration, when unemployment is so high?  This hurts the poor people whom the administration and Democratic party claim they support. (18-19)

Some sources claim the Obama administration deported more illegal immigrants than any president. (1,2) Yet if you look closely at the numbers carefully approximately 1 out of 584 illegal immigrants that get to the interior of the U.S. actually gets deported!(6)  We have done a better job until recently to secure our
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borders(9 ), but overall, more illegal aliens are crossing the border compared to the very small number of illegal aliens already in the country that get deported.  See links 6-9 for detailed analysis of data regarding this from Federal government documents.

The Constitution specifies that the executive branch enforce the laws that Congress passes. Immigration law passed by Congress, orders executive branch to protect our country from unlawful entry.  It does not allow the president to enforce parts of the immigration law that he likes.  As my representative I demand that you insist that the administration enforce the laws passed by Congress as per the separation of Federal Powers as defined by our  Constitution(2).

Is it in our interests considering our economic conditions, to open our borders to illegal immigrants and to take on the care for millions of children throughout the world?  Yet, the administration’s actions encourage millions to flock to our borders!  First, the administration’s decision to allow dreamers to stay encouraged other children to come here to get amnesty.  The Presidents  speeches urge Congress to allow amnesty for the dreamers.  He honored 10 of the dreamers in a White House ceremony.(3-4)  The administration provided a hundred more lawyers to ensure that illegal children have a defense in court.(5)  It seems to me that people who break our laws are given higher priority than veterans who fought to uphold the rule of law. The administration claims that these children are fleeing violence and poverty when the children counter, “We come because we were told we would get amnesty.”(10)  These signals that the administration sends encouraged thousands to flock to our borders although we our having a hard time caring for our own people.  I demand that you as my representative publically and emphatically oppose these actions of the administration.

While the illegal unaccompanied children flooded across our borders, the administration did not make it clear to the aliens or the countries that aided them that this illegal migration was unacceptable for many months.  In fact, as the children and adults arrived the administration ordered the agents who are suppose to be protecting our borders, to assist the human traffickers in getting the illegal aliens to their destinations.  Again this is a huge violation of Federal Immigration Law!    

Finally the Secretary of Homeland Security and the President warned that these illegal aliens will be sent back.  Who is going to believe the administration when approximately one in 594 illegal aliens are deported once they cross the border?(6)

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It seems like the administration, the Democrats and some Republicans  are aiding the human smugglers and drug traffickers with the stated goal of helping the children but in the end will you bring more harm to them and us?  No one knows how many children on the migration were raped and killed by the human traffickers.  No one knows how many children were funneled into the drug or sex trade.  No one knows how many children aided by our Federal government are gang members or headed into the sex trade.(14)  However, our Arizona Attorney General stated that the percent of criminals apprehended at our border has increased from 9% five years ago to more than 18% today!(13)  So we take these children in to help them but this may be a classic case of the proverb, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions!" (11-14)

This extensive research in this one month in my opinion suggests that members of the executive branch of our government are actively destroying border security, violating rule of law and disregarding our Constitution. I am faced with the question, “Do I support the Constitution or not?”  It seems like a pretty good document for the last 200 years.  If I decide to defend the Constitution what do I do if the Federal government continues to destroy it with its policies over the last month?  If the Federal government is not going to protect our borders allowing criminals into our country endangering not only our children, but ultimately our form of government, then I will ask my state representatives to do whatever they can to protect our state including nullification or succession. 

If you are acting in the interest of our country and the American people the actions of the executive branch as well as actions of many Federal legislaters do not make sense, economically or in any other way.  The only sense they would make is if their intent is to destroy or weaken the country to perhaps prepare us for a new socialist or global government.  Oddly if you can pull off bringing in 11-30 million poor uninformed voters you might insure democratic party rule for decades!

Many prominent intellectuals demand abolishing our Constitution and replacing it with a global government such as the United Nations.  Their reasoning is most urgent problems such as environmental degradation and terrorism, can only be solved by a worldwide government.  However, there are also compelling reasons for not subjugating ourselves to a global government at this time.  Fortunately our Constitution has a mechanism that allows us to destroy or alter it if we choose as a people to join a global government.  If 3/4 of the Congress and 3/4 of the states decide that the Constitution should be altered and abolished so we can be part of a New World Order we can do so.

What infuriates me is that powerful politicians in my opinion, through their policies are moving us toward global rule without my consent or the consent of my
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countrymen.  If you don't like the Constitution then say so and call for its repeal. Then let's have a long thoughtful national debate and let the people through their representatives vote on it.

I want to know the following from you and every other politician representing me.  Will you uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States?  If so I would like to see it in writing with your signature as soon as possible.   We the people need to know where the politicians stand on this fundamental matter!

Sincerely Yours,

John Jay Underhill

1. Obama actually has deported more people than any other president.

2. Yet he violates the law even in the first link above in that he has ordered border enforcement agents to ignore those illegal immigrants that or otherwise law abiding. Recently he signed and executive order allowing illegal immigrants who were children when their parents came across to stay.

Conservative talk shows are all over Obama, for not publicly demanding Central American Governments not dump their children in our country. Instead he signed an executive order legalizing illegal alien children to stay(The Dream Act).
On June 17th Laura Ingrim claimed he honored several dreamers at the White House. This seems to send a message to all the nations of the world if you can get your children across our border, we will not depart them.
4. When I googled White House honors dreamers June 17,2014 I got the following link, The title of the first link on that page was White House Honors Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival DACA "Champions of Change. Underneath it, it said, "June 17, 2014, "The White House will honor Local Champions of Change," who are...leader and organizer among other DREAMers and other young undocumented.
When I clicked on the link the website said the page could not be found. Odd, I wonder if it was taken down by the White House because of all of the fuss from conservative groups.
I googled the title of the article into a google search engine and got a NBC news story describing how Obama honored 10 students who were brought as children illegally to the U.S. but who had become successful and active in immigration issues. This article in my mind sends the message that our government's position is, if you can get your illegal child across the border into the United States, he or she will not be deported.
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5.  This document is titled, "  Justice Department and CNCS Announce New Partnership to Enhance Immigration Courts and Provide Critical Legal Assistance to Unaccompanied Minors"

6.  FY 2013 ICE Immigration Removals
                368,644 Removals during FY 2013
                133,551 removals from interior of U.S.  82% of these previously convicted of crime.
                235,093 departed for unlawfully attempting to enter U.S.  59% of all ICE Removals, a total of 216,810 had previously been convicted of a crime.
                The interesting thing about the removals is most of them were for people attempting to cross the border but were caught and turned back at the border.  However 133,551 were departed from the interior of the country in 2013.  If you read the ICE documents carefully they are clear in stating that they go after individuals that have committed crimes other than the illegal act of crossing the border.  If you consider that at least 11.5 million are in the country illegally and at least 150,000 are still getting through every year, inflow of illegals is still greater than the outflow of deportations from the interior of the country probably by the tens of thousands.  For that conservative estimate of 150,000 see the Washington Post article also cited below.  

·       If you do not factor in that more people are getting in, (probably around 150 to 160 thousand this year), than are being deported (134 thousand approximately in FY 2013), the number of deportations in relation to number of illegals is still pretty low.  Actually that last number does not include the recent influx of immigrants including unaccompanied parents!!!  If I divide 11,500,000 (Conservative estimate of number of illegals in the country) by 133,600 (Rounded up number of illegals deported by ICE from the interior of the country in FY 2013), I come out with a percentage of 0.01.  Not very many people are getting deported.
·  This article had a different take on this.  It claimed that  11.7 million illegals reside in the U.S. and using the same number of deportations as I used above for 2013 deportations they came up with the number 0.02% of illegal aliens were deported.  However 82% of these people were departed for other crimes such as assault, robbery, DWI etc.  This leaves about 18% or 30,000 illegals that were deported  just for entering the country illegally.  That means only 1 out of every 584 illegal immigrants gets deported for illegally entering the country once they make it to the interior of the country.

7.  This article asks how many illegals slip through the border in relation to how many are caught and sent back.  Government interdiction of illegals has gotten better but according to the Council on Foreign Relations figures for every person we catch, 2 people get by.  The article was written in 2010.

8.  This report done in 2013 has data collected by a drone shows that for every illegal apprehended, 1 got through,  If this data is correct then according to the Obama administration in the prior year, 365,000 illegals were apprehended.  If this data holds true then a slightly larger number would have gotten into the country in 2012.

9.  This article shows data from the Border Patrol provided by the Government Accountability Office from the Fiscal Years 2008-2011 measuring various aspects however the average number of those who got through the border fell from an
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average of about 30% to an average of 16% in 2011.  The immigration reform bill currently being debated is asking for a apprehension rate of 90%.  Currently the security at the border is considered to be 84% effective.  In 2011 185,000 were successful in sneaking through the border.

Here are other interesting articles I found related to Immigration

10. ABC News Border Patrol Interviews With Illegal Alien Children 95% came because Amnesty
In the link directly below the government claims that the children are coming to the United States to escape poverty and violence.
11. Fort Sill to House 600 Unaccompanied Alien Children.  Note in the article that Federal Officials are asked to assist in reuniting children with family or relatives in the U.S.
13-14.  If you go to the following website you can get the podcasts below.
13.  06/17/2014Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne talks Border Patrol Nogales Facility holding children.  Note in the podcast that Horn claims 5 years ago, 9% of apprehended illegal immigrants had criminal backgrounds.  Now he claims 18% of apprehended immigrants have criminal backgrounds.
14.  06/17/2014Kathleen Winn---Community Outreach and Education Director for AZ Attorney General's Office talks sex trafficking.  Note she indicates many young women and children crossing the border fall victim to sexual slavery because they do not have the funds to pay the human traffickers.
Meanwhile while we embrace these children from around the world, we can't take care of our own citizens.  First let's focus on children.
15.  Lets Look At Children In Foster Care         At any given time 399,546 children are in the foster care system.  About half are exiting out while the other half is entering.  The average stay in foster care is 13 months.  15% of the children are in Foster care for 3 years or more.  That number is about 59,932 children.  This data was taken from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at  The article is titled Foster Care Statistics 2012.
Many children run away.  In any given year many children run away or are kicked out of them homes.

16.  Here is data from Department of Justice
Category                Estimate           95% Confidence Interval*                    Percent

All Runaway        1,682,900                 1,425,400-1,940,500                           100

Throw away Episodes
Care Giver Missing 1     628,900        481,000-776,900                                   37

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Reported Missing 2       357,600        238,000-477,200                                   21

Endangered                  1,190,900        975,900-1,405,800                               71
 Youth 3

Note all estimates rounded to nearest 100
* The 95% confidence indicator indicates that if the study was repeated 100 times 95 of the replications would produce estimates within the ranges noted.
1 Whereabouts unknown to caretaker, caretaker alarmed and tried to locate child.
2 Missing youth whose caretakers have reported them to authorities to help locate them.
3 Youth whose run away or throw away episodes involved any one of the list of 17 factors that placed them at risk for harm.  See table 4 in the document.  I will list the top 10 factors below  in terms of numbers of children.

The Following Data was Taken From The Department of Justice
Child was physically or sexually abused in the year prior to the episode and was afraid of abuse upon return                                                                   350,400
Child was substance dependent                                                          317,800
Child was 13 years old or younger                                                      305,300
Child was in the company of someone known to abuse drugs    302,100
Child was using hard drugs                                                                292,000
Child spent time in a place where criminal activity was known to occur.                                                                                                                                           256,900
Child engaged in criminal activity during the course of the activity  197,400
Child was with a violent person                                                     125,400
Child had previously attempted suicide                                         70,500
Child was physically assaulted or someone attempted to physically assault the child during the course of the episode                                                  69,100
Data taken from the Department of Justice   If this link becomes unusable, the article comes from a Department of Justice Publication, NISMART an abbreviation for National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway and Thrownaway Children: National Estimates and Characteristics

17.  Lets Look At Children and Food
According to the United States Department of Agriculture:
In 2012, 85.5 percent of U.S. households were food secure throughout the year. The remaining 14.5 percent (17.6 million households) were food insecure. Food-insecure house- holds (those with low and very low food security) had difficulty at some time during the year providing enough food for all their members due to a lack of resources. ..

… 2012, 5.7 percent of U.S. households (7.0 million households) had very low food security. In this more severe range of food insecurity, the food intake of some household members was reduced and normal eating patterns were disrupted at times during the year due to limited resources.

Children were food insecure at times during the year in 10.0 percent of households with children. These 3.9 million households were unable at times during the year to provide adequate, nutritious food for their children.   This data was taken from this down loaded document provided by the
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United States Department of Agriculture.  It is titled Household Food Security in the United States in 2012.  If you google the title then the report will be downloaded to your computer.  17

Lets Look at National Employment And Welfare
18.  College Graduates Unemployment rate 10%, underemployment rate 60% Huffington Post Liberal Newspaper.
19.  Black unemployment rate consistently twice that of whites. National unemployment is between 5-6% while black unemployment ranges between 11-12%.
20.  According to Department of Commerce 12.8 million Americans on Welfare,  and 46.7 million are on food stamps.  Some articles claim more Americans are dependent on government programs than those that are not dependent on such programs.   This data taken from Indicators of Welfare Dependence 12th Report to Congress from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  See the Executive Summary pages X-XII  It discussed dependency and recipiency rates.  Recipiency rates are always higher, they include all individuals receiving any welfare services.  Dependency rates according to this report is defined as those receiving 50% or more of their income from these programs.  According to their data from Figure SUM 1 in 2009 4.6 percent of the population was dependent on welfare programs.  If I multiply 4.6 percent into 305 million the U.S population at the time over 14 million are dependent on welfare for more than 50% of their income.  The percent of individuals officially considered in poverty is 14.3 in 2009.  If I do the same type of calculation I will come up with a figure that officially 43 million Americans live in poverty.  Now the economy has recovered somewhat but last quarter the growth rate was negative 2.9 percent.   See Figure SUM 2A on page I-6.  I know the Fed considers the economy very fragile because they are holding interests rates at historic lows.  Considering the above, why are we allowing thousands of illegal aliens to pour into our country this month?

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Mexican Army Troops Shoot American Citizen and attack Border Patrol
Is Obama's Open Border policy ending US sovereignty over OUR country while the Congress and Senate do nothing?  Is our Executive branch of Our Federal Government purposely destroying our country?  If our country is going to be saved, it is up to us.

Border Violations by the Mexican Army  4/14/14  According to news story armed Mexican troops have crossed into the U.S. over 300 times often encountering Border Patrol.  When Border Patrol captures Mexican troops on U.S. territory they are let go.  However, a marine who mistakenly entered Mexico remains in a Mexican prison.  Infowars has been reporting on Mexican troops violating our border for several years.  Now the story is finally being picked up by mainstream news.

One question I rarely hear discussed since Mexico is a failed state jointly run by the Mexican Government and Drug Cartels, how many of the Mexican troops that work for the government of Mexico also work for the drug cartels?

Perhaps you can find the time to contact your representatives about this and dare I ask, contact President Obama and express your opinion as well.
Here are 2 numbers where you can contact your senators,  1(866)220-0044 or 1(877)762-8762  Both of these numbers are free of charge.  The following link has email addresses and phone numbers for all Congressional Representatives and Senators.

OBAMA COMMENTLINE:   1(202)456-1111 OR    
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Evil Cannot Flourish Unless Good People Stand By.  How This Applies Today and Now!

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.  Martin Luther King Jr.

Please listen to this video because it is though provoking although it does not directly relate to the immigration issue, it does so indirectly.

In response to a question by Saba Ahmed about Islamic ideology, Bridgette Gabriel launches into a history lesson about how small violent minorities controlled the agenda over much larger peaceful majorities causing mass destruction and death throughout history.  She claims between 15 to 20% of the Muslims in the world are radical and if we and the moderate Muslims are not careful, they can cause much pain, suffering and death.
-A small violent minority took over Germany resulting in 60 million deaths.  The peaceful majority was irrelevant in they did not stop it.
-A small violent minority took over Russia resulting in 20 million deaths.  The peaceful majority was irrelevant in they did not stop it.
- A small violent minority took over China resulting in 70 million deaths.  The peaceful majority was irrelevant in that they did not stop it.
-A small violent minority took over Japan resulting in 12 million deaths.  The  peaceful majority was irrelevant in that they did not stop it.

How do small violent minorities take over countries of mostly peaceful good people?  I think you can look at the U.S. today and see the same process occurring and figure it out. 

Am I watching the same process occur in my own country?  Please understand when I use the word you I am referring to you in a general sense for I have no idea what you as an individual has done. 

Bridgette Gabriel frames her answer in the above video in the context of Radical Islam.  I frame my comments in the context of the rising power of the Mexican and American Drug Cartels.

I have worked in the shadow of the Mexican Drug Cartels for the last 29 years in that they controlled the neighborhoods where my students live.  Tucson is the first

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distribution point of the drugs from Mexico.  From there the drugs travel to Phoenix then to other major cities in the U.S.  Here is what has happened over many years.

The Congress passes a law allowing the executive branch of the Federal government to detain or kill American citizens without due process.  You have done nothing to stop or protest this!

Federal government regulators impose very small fines when they catch banks laundering drug money from drug cartels.  You have done nothing to stop this!  You have not demanded that the banks be held accountable for these crimes.

Federal agencies have been caught trafficking drugs into our country.  You have done nothing to stop this!

For several decades Mexican people have been illegally invading the United States.  You have done nothing to stop this.  You have done nothing to hold the people responsible for allowing this invasion to be held accountable.

Gradually over time, more and more criminals (Those committing Felonies) have been coming across the southern border.  For a long time Mexico City was the leading kidnapping capital of the world.  Phoenix was the 2nd leading kidnapping capital in the world.  You have stood by and done nothing!

The Obama administration smuggled guns to some of the drug cartels in Mexico in violation of Federal laws.  As of yet very few people have been held accountable for the hundreds of deaths of Mexican citizens or the Americans killed by these same weapons.  You have done nothing to insist the people responsible for these crimes be held accountable.

For months the Obama administration has encouraged illegal alien children to cross the border in violation of current immigration law.  The administration encourages this although no one knows how many children have been killed, raped or sold intp the sex or drug trade trying to get here.  Even as this policy has become public knowledge there is little movement to stop this practice.  You have not demanded that government officials responsible for these criminal policies to be held accountable.

Government agencies are actively assisting the incredibly lucrative profitable human traffickers in taking illegal aliens to their destinations in the United States.  You have done nothing to stop or protest this practice.

It is recognized that more and more of the illegal aliens crossing the border are criminals associated with the drug cartels.  Government agencies are actively assisting these people once they cross the border and are helping them reach their
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destinations throughout the country.  Only a very small percentage of you have even spoken up or protested this practice.

So given this here is what I am thinking.  It was only in the last 20 years or so that the drug cartels became powerful in Mexico.  Before that they took over Columbia causing incredible suffering and pain in that country. 

As they slowly gained power in Mexico, at first the people did not mind because they brought a lot of money into the economy.  Slowly the cartels imposed their will on the people and their government.  Oh yes there were people that resisted.  They had their heads handed to them.  What did the good peaceful people do?  They just stood by and let it happen which only emboldened the bullies just like you witnessed in your schoolyards.

Then the government and some of the people decided they were too powerful and they tried to get rid of them.  You know the rest, the brutal killings, the terrorism.  After 100,000 deaths the people as a whole decided, we can’t win, they must become part of the government and so they did.  There were a few places in Mexico where the citizens illegally armed and fought back against the cartels.  In a few areas they regained control against the cartels and the government but in most places the good people stood by and perhaps got what they deserved.

So some in Arizona and Texas are not standing by.  Militias in both states are volunteering to patrol the border inching us closer to civil war.  Logically think about it.  If the Militias actually become effective in slowing down the drug cartel’s take over of the American government do you really think the Mexican Drug Cartels will stand by and let this happen?  At some point shooting will start.  Then what?  You could stop this if you decide to care and demand that our government officials enforce our national sovereignty.

Do you think that the United States Federal Military will come to the aide of the citizen militias that are trying to protect the borders from the invasion?  I am not so sure since the U.S. military was used to help protect poppy fields in Afghanistan.
So what happens, will the army stop us and allow the cartels to march into the U.S. in greater numbers?  What will you do?  Will you just continue to watch while this violent minority imposes its will upon the vastly larger peaceful majority?

What happens if people like me who do not want to have any part of this arrangement with the drug cartels get our heads handed to us because we refuse to submit to this new world order?  Will you continue to be the good people who stand by and watch while this evil flourishes? 

Because you good people just watch will the day come when the Federal government and many of the people decide enough but because our good people
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allowed the foot soldiers from the cartels to invade our country there is a great war and millions die but alas we can’t get rid of the cartels anymore.  Will you good people do what the good people in Mexico did and say, “Well we can’t beat them so we have to join them and make them a part of the government and send them north to invade the United States?

What you don’t think it can happen here?  Really. Your apathy and ignorance suggest otherwise.

Please pray for my Uncle Sam and all of his nieces and nephews so we can gain the wisdom, strength and courage and do what is right.

I feel prayer is very important because often when we become aware of a major problem, when we take action often we take the wrong action making the problem much worse! 

Six days ago The Arizona Daily Star ran an article describing Tucson City Council Women’s Regina Romero’s proposal to pass a resolution calling on President Obama to reduce the number of deportations and encourage Obama to pass executive orders to help immigration reform.   In response to the article and the council women’s proposal, I spoke at the City Council in honor of the illegal alien children making the several thousand mile trip and opposing her proposal.  Here is what I said.

Dear Illegal Alien Children

Because of your courage, perseverance and strength in surviving the incredibly dangerous journey you have made, I come to honor you in the best way I know.  I open my heart to you to speak my truth. 

My government tells me you are here because of the dangerous conditions in your countries.  Yet I know if you try to run from evil it will find you and seek to enslave or kill you. The same horror that flourishes in your country grows here.  For this reason and others I ask you to find God, return to your family and friends and help each other become wise, strong, kind and free.  We will have to do the same in our country.

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My Federal leaders whom I gave my sacred trust to are slowly falling sway to the drug cartels that ravaged your lives.
·      My government has supplied dangerous illegal drugs to children in my country.
·      My government has supplied weapons to the drug cartels in Mexico.
·      When banks get caught laundering drug money my government charges them very small fines.
·      Finally my government now helps drugs smugglers invade my country and helps the human traffickers smuggle you and others to your final destinations.

I fear someday my government and their Drug Cartel allies will employ you to take my rights away

Dear children, the other reason I ask you to return to your homes and your countrymen is my country is unable to take care of their own citizens.  Why are they bringing you in as well?
·      400,000 of our children are in foster care because their parents abandoned or are unable to care for them.
·      Between 1.6-1.9 million children run away from home exposing themselves to very dangerous situations.  Many of these suffer from physical sexual or drug abuse, Data from the Department of Justice.
·      3.7 million households with children according to USDA suffer from malnutrition bad enough to damage them physically and mentally.
·      Vulnerable sick veterans who risked their lives and often were badly wounded take between 1 and 3 months to see a doctor.  Many die before they do.  USA Today.
·      Dear children my Federal government has kept interest rates artificially very low for years because our country economy is so fragile.  Bringing hundreds of thousands of more children does not help this fragile economy.

So Dear children we can’t take care of you because we can’t take care of our own people.  I do not understand why my government is bringing you here.  But there are more reasons you should not stay or encourage your friends to come here.
·      No body knows how many of you are killed or raped by the drug cartels and human traffickers.
·      For many of your friends life is not much better when they reach my country.  If they are not killed in Mexico they are often sold into the sex slave trade or taken to work for the cartels.
·      Tom Horn our present Attorney General claims about 18% of the illegal aliens apprehended crossing our southern border, have been convicted of major felonies.
·      Please return to your countries, find God, help your family and friends become wise, strong and courageous and retake your dignity and freedom.
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In conclusion I ask that the City Council pass a resolution demanding that all immigration laws currently on the books be strictly enforced and that Mexico and the other countries involved in this invasion help pay for the costs of care and transport of these people back to their countries of origin.

If allowed I would be honored to talk with the children being held in the detention camps in our state.

I did not quite finish the letter because each speaker was only allowed 3 minutes to speak.  I presented a copy of the letter I sent to President Obama to Mayor Rothchild and the other Tucson City Council members.

1 man spoke in favor of the proposal while about 5 spoke out against the proposal.  The man supporting the proposal stated that he served in the U.S. military for 4 years but quit to help his sister who was trying to become legal in the country.

Here were some points covered by others against the proposal: danger of spread of dangerous diseases; the concern that many children may work for the cartels and finally a couple of speakers claimed that some of the invaders were here to start a war with us so Mexico can annex several southwest states as part of the Aztlan movement.  One of the speakers claimed that Isabel Garcia, (who was in the audience) and Council Woman Romero were members of this movement.  When I challenged the speaker later on her accusation, she said she had proof and would offer it in the future.

Links to Investigate From Laura’s News letters.
7/2 letter
Editor’s note: One year ago today, WND Books released the historic book “Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism,” by Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking intelligence official ever to defect from the Soviet bloc, with co-author Prof. Ronald Rychlak. The companion film documentary, “Disinformation: The Secret Strategy to Destroy the West,” recently won a prestigious Telly Award.

6/31 Newsletter
Page 63

Border Patrol Agent: Government is aiding smugglers, sex traffickers

1 day ago - U.S. Senator thanked for exposing DHS aiding terrorist sympathizers in U.S. ... terrorist sympathizers in U.S.(Department of Homeland Security).,,,
June 26, 2014
...Thirty-one former government officials, national leaders, and public policy activists expressed appreciation to U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) for his efforts to get to the bottom of yet another scandal festering in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Center for Security Policy said on Tuesday through email communications.  The Center said that their appreciation to Grassley was attributed to press reports that an internal DHS Inspector General investigation was conducted into allegations by a whistle-blower that the Department has taken steps to facilitate the entry into this country of terrorist sympathizers and possibly actual terrorists....

Page 64
“Now we have to let everyone go..."
...Some of those perpetrating the endless assault on America’s immigration laws, however, go even further to ensure illegals will be embraced by U.S. authorities. As The Blaze reported this week, border guards have found a number of startling documents apparently drafted to teach illegals exactly how to answer officers’ questions in order to have the best chance of avoiding deportation.  One Department of Homeland Security source confirmed that many of these “illegal alien cheat sheets” are destroyed prior to their owners’ arrival at the border. The documents authorities have found, though, tell a very specific story.

Congressman Obama Co-conspirator in Border Torture
Cruz Immigrate kids forced to mutilate each other.

FROM THE DHS(!!!):Written testimony of CBP and ICE for a June 25 House Committee on the Judiciary hearing titled “An Administration Made Disaster: The South Texas Border Surge of Unaccompanied Alien Minors”...
Chairman Goodlatte: 'Obama Fiddles While our Borders Implode'  June 27, 2014
At a Wednesday hearing on the surge of illegal aliens crossing the border, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va.,
Page 65
said "These individuals know that the Administration's policy of non-enforcement of our immigration laws presents a golden opportunity for unaccompanied minors and families with minors to come to the U.S., most likely to be released with very little chance of ever being removed...It is often said that Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Unfortunately, it seems Obama fiddles while our borders implode."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‎- 1 day ago
WASHINGTON – As thousands of children from Central America stream across the Texas border, Rep. Matt Salmon said Wednesday that he can't help but think about what happened to the fate of the young immigrants who didn't make it to the United States...."We've had reports of assaults and kidnappings," said Francisco Palmieri, deputy assistant secretary for the Bureau of Western Hemispheric Affairs at the U.S. State Department. "...Salmon and other Republicans on the Foreign Affairs subcommittee agreed on the need for more aid to Central America, but they also blamed the Obama administration for creating the current crisis....Salmon said President Barack Obama's 2012 initiative to stop the deportations of young immigrants brought to the United States as children has given Central American parents the false idea that their children will be granted legal status in the U.S. if they send them here....The program applies only to immigrants who came here before age 16 and lived continuously in the U.S. for at least five years dating to 2007. It does not apply to the children coming here now from Central America.

Unaccompanied Alien Children: An Overview 
By Lisa Seghetti, Alison Siskin, and Ruth Ellen Wasem 
June 13, 2014

By Susan Carroll 

Last summer, U.S. government officials commissioned a research project aimed at solving a problem that had vexed them for years and has since ballooned into a full-blown humanitarian crisis: how to deal with a sharp increase in unaccompanied children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into South Texas. . . . 
Sen Jeff Sessions slams
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DHS Secretary on alien children

Pelosi on the Border: We Have to Use This ‘Crisis’ as an ‘Opportunity’Saturday at a press conference from the Rio Grande Valley, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) discussed her tour of a border holding facility and addressed the humanitarian crisis of thousands unaccompanied minors flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border, which she called a “humanitarian opportunity.” Pelosi explained, “We are all Americans — north and south in this hemisphere,” and urged America to see this as not a crisis but an opportunity “to be helpful.”  The article is titled, HHS Report: Nearly 1.3 Million Obama Care Enrollees May Not Be Legal Citizens  The Report was released in June 2014.
A devastating new Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General report released on Tuesday reveals that the Obama administration has yet to determine whether 1,295,571 of the over 8 million Obamacare enrollees are U.S. citizens lawfully in the country.
The finding, located on page 11 of the report, states that 44% of the remaining 2,611,780 application "inconsistencies" are related to verifying "Citizenship/national status/lawful presence." Another 960,492 application inconsistencies were related to verifying whether subsidy applicants provided accurate income information.
Moreover, the Inspector General report only covered the federal Obamacare exchanges to determine how the Obama administration resolved verification problems through December 2013. As for the 15 state-run Obamacare exchanges, the report says four--Oregon, Nevada, Vermont, and Massachusetts--are simply "unable to resolve inconsistencies." 

Page 67
Here is a link to the report,  It is titled, Department of Health and Human Services  Office of the Inspector General  Market Places Faced Early Challenges Resolving Inconsistencies With Applicant Data  The author of the report is Daniel R Levinson Inspector General.  It was published on June 2014 OEI-01-14-00180.pdf

Unsecured Border: Interview with Brooks Co. Chief Deputy Sheriff
CIS Blog,July 2, 2014
By Jerry Kammer and Byran Griffith

Excerpt:Brooks County, Texas is mostly a vast semi-desert range-land and sits 65 miles north of the Mexican border. But Chief Deputy Sheriff Benny Martinez says 80-85 percent of his force s time is spent on problems related from illegal immigration to drug smuggling....
Secrecy Permeates Housing Facility for Alien Youth
CIS Blog,July 2, 2014
By Marguerite Telford

Excerpt:Yesterday Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) attempted to visit a Health and Human Services (HHS) housing facility occupied by an estimated 1,200 illegal-alien youths relocated from the Texas border. The congressman was denied entry to this facility, located in Ft. Sill. He was told by the HHS official in charge that he would have to make an appointment, which could be scheduled for him in three weeks if he emailed the appropriate person. His phone call was not returned.... border-of-the-u-s-2531774.html?utm_content=beforeit39snews-verticalresponse&utm_medium=verticalresponse&
The article is titled, Texas Gov. Rick Perry: Obama is Either Inept or He has Ulterior Motives in Not Securing the Southern Border of the U.S….  This is a video of these charges on ABC News This Week.

Page 68
Unsecured Border: Interview with a National Border Patrol days ago - Uploaded by Center for Immigration Studies  View the related bog at: ...
97% of people asked to show up for immigration court do not show up for their cases.
2006 Brazilians flooded across border.  Within hours of when government started deported them back the flood stopped. The title of this video is, “Homeland Security SECY Won’t say if Illegals Will be Departed – Obama’s Border Crisis – Lou Dobbs.  The video was uploaded 7/7/14.
·      0:45 seconds to 2:00 minutes.  The Secretary of Homeland Security Secretary is questioned about whether illegal aliens will be departed
·      3:30 until end of Video.  Republican Congressman Blake Farenthold of Texas a member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee is interviewed by Lou Dobs regarding the recent immigration crisis.
ü  4:30 Numbers of Unaccompanied Alien children from 2011-2014.  Also the % increase in their volume in various border cities
ü  5:40.  It took 3 years to process 2,000 illegals who wanted amnesty claiming refugee status.  There is no telling how long it will take to process 60,000 Unaccompanied Alien children in the centers now especially if more judges are not hired to try the cases.
ü  6:00.  Mexican children are fairly quickly deported back to Mexico.  However children from other Central American countries are entitled to have their cases heard by special immigration courts.  The vast majority of them do not show up to their court dates.
ü  8:00.  A few years back a flood of Brazilians entered the country.  The flood quickly ceased when the Brazilians were deported back to their country. 

Page 69
federal judge in Texas has issued a searing indictment of the Obama administration’s immigration policy. He accuses the government of “completing the criminal mission” of human traffickers “who are violating the border security of the United States” and assisting a “criminal conspiracy in achieving its illegal goals.” The judge calls the administration’s behavior “dangerous and unconscionable” and says that “DHS should cease telling the citizens of the United States that it is enforcing our border security laws because it is clearly not. Even worse, it is helping those who violate these laws.”
On December 13, federal district court Judge Andrew S. Hanen of Brownsville, Texas, issued his order in U.S. v. Nava-Martinez. It described in shocking detail the malfeasance of the government. Mirtha Veronica Nava-Martinez, an admitted human trafficker and resident alien, pleaded guilty to attempting to smuggle a ten-year-old El Salvadoran girl into the U.S…   General John F. Kelly Commander of Southern Command discusses his concerns related to the border and Immigration in Congressional Testimony before the House Arms Service Committee.  Pages 2-12 discusses security concerns related to immigration and border security

Are Illegal Immigrants Entitled to Social Security?  Supposedly Congress has not passed laws allowing this but many illegal aliens may obtain these documents through fraud according to the GAO. The title of the article is Immigration Benefits: Additional Controls and a Sanctions Strategy Could Enhance DHS’s Ability to Control Benefit Fraud  The article is titled Southwest Border Unaccompanied Alien Children.  Data from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Protection, over 57,000 children crossed the border last year.  Numbers have more than doubled  from prior year.  Almost 203,000 aliens were other than Mexicans.

Page 70  Article is titled, Illegals From all over the World Crossing Border  The number of Other than Mexicans now crossing the border is 80%.  Title of the editorial is, Missouri Has no Illegals/ Ozark Sentinal Editorial  Most of what is said in the article is true except Missouri has about 55,000 illegal immigrants which is much lower than other states.  The title of the article is Welcome to Celebrate Citizenship, Learn About America: Government Benefits.  This government website shows aliens how to get welfare benefits.  Here is their opening paragraph. Depending on your immigration status, length of time in the United States, and income, you may be eligible for some federal benefit programs. Government assistance programs can be critically important to the well-being of some immigrants and their families. Frequently, however, there is a lack of information about how to access such benefits. Benefit programs can be complicated and you may be given misleading information about how they operate.  The article is titled Migrant Children.  Has many articles over the last few weeks.   The Article is titled Mexico made deal to send more illegal aliens to the U.S  Mexico and Guatemala Sign Agreement to Fast-Track Invasion of U.S.   The article is titled 22 Jihad Training Camps in the U.S. – FBI Refuses to Take Action Need to do further research on this.  Case: 1:09-cr-00383 Document #: 94 Filed: 07/29/11

Page 71
Infowars has claimed for years going back to the early 1960ties that Federal government agencies have been involved in smuggling drugs to citizens of our country. 

This 16 page motion was filed by Vicente Jesus Zambada-Niebla, one of the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel.  This Mexican cartel is one of the largest drug trafficking organizations in the world.  This document suggests that the Justice Department, The Drug Enforcement Agency, The Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agency, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration Customs and Enforcement Agency and the Internal Revenue Service were all involved in smuggling Firearms to the Sinaloa Cartel and allowing the Sinaloa Cartel to supply tons of illegal drugs to Chicago and the rest of the U.S. in exchange for information about rival drug cartels.  The motion claims these firearms resulted in the deaths of 40,000 Mexicans along with a few Americans.  It provides a rationalization that may have been used by the Federal agencies to justify these actions.  The defendant’s counsel bases these claims above on findings from the investigations of Fast and Furious by various Congressional Committees. Here is the first part of a Congressional Committee Report on Fast and Furious. 

The defendant, Jesus Zambada-Niebla claims that DEA agents offered him immunity for his continuing drug smuggling activities as long as he gave info to the DEA agents regarding rival drug cartels.  After his last meeting with them Mexican authorities arrested him and turned him over to the U.S.  In his discovery attempts he is trying to obtain documents to show the government violated their agreement with him.

·      Here is another interesting statement from the motion.  Acting Director of the ATF Kenneth Melson has also asserted that cartel leaders were paid informants of the DEA and FBI and were among the individuals who knowingly received weapons pursuant to “Operation Fast & Furious.”

To see more evidence of Federal agencies involvement with drug smuggling over time see Uncle Sam Enters the Endgame Part 1 at  Pages 12-18 have articles on the following: Ice agent shares classified information with cartels.  The CIA involvement with drug smuggling and finally how the large banks launder drug money.  See also pages 72-77 for articles on Fast and Furious, Obama invoking Executive privilege and the CIA smuggling drugs into the U.S. for mind control experiments.   25% or more of the children are sick with scabies, lice and other contagious diseases.  Health officials are especially concerned with diseases like drug resistant TB.  This Fox article is titled, Medical Staff Warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest.

Page 72  Adult illegal immigrants posing as children in Massachussettts to enroll in high school published July 11, 2014.$6000-Per-Month-to-House-Foreign-Minors  How much is the Federal government willing to pay foster parents to care for unaccompanied illegal alien children. HOUSTON, Texas—An add placed in the Penny Saver Newspaper in Murrieta, California is seeking “loving, compassionate parents to provide a loving home” for illegal immigrant minors, according to a local reader of the publication.   Title of article: Governor Vexed With Secrecy in Sending Illegal Aliens to Nebraska

Iowa Gov.- Don't Dump Aliens in my state
Report: None Admitted from Central America or Mexico as Refugees in FY 13
CNSNews reports that the U.S. government did not grant refugee status to any people from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador or Mexico in fiscal year 2013. Democrats in Congress have tried to portray the surge aliens as refugees escaping violence in these countries as opposed to people who were encouraged to enter by recent Obama Administration policies.
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Refugee Resettlement Center for Health & Human Services:    202-401-9246
4 hours ago - Former Border Patrol Deputy Chief: 'All of the Good That Was Done after 9/11 Up to Now Has Been Reversed Singlehandedly'. By: Ryan ...

Atlantic's Frum explains how allowing Border Surge is enriching the drug gangs
To me, David Frum at the venerable Atlantic magazine has now written the most revealing article yet about the why of the Border Surge and what it means.

Operation “Fast & Furious” findings in the Joint Staff Report prepared for Darrell R. Issa, Chairman of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Senator Charles E. Grassley, the ranking member of the United States Committee on the Judiciary